Thursday, December 31, 2020

Day 365 Value of Success

 Day 365 

วันที่ 31 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 365 ของปี

Value : Success

"Real success means experiencing internal progress."


The usual definition of success is connected with visible success, such as profit, or increase in status.  Success is also understood as an ideal state in which nothing goes wrong.  But often we work hard without having much to show for our efforts.


It is more important to experience success within ourselves that it is to accumulate wealth or other outward trappings of success.  When I put in the effort to improve myself and strive to overcome my weaknesses, I will triumph.  It will not matter whether I appear successful on the outside or what others think of me because I will know I have made real progress.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Day 364 Value of Positivity

 Day 364

วันที่ 30 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 364 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"To practise the power of positivity is to be free from negativity."


Whenever we need to think positive in a situation, we try to force the mind to think in that way.  We force the mind into thinking what we desire.  Yet the mind is not capable of doing that to order.  So there are no positive results and we find ourselves with more negativity.


I need to be a mother to my mind, teaching it to think the right kind of thoughts.  Even when everything is going well, I need to train the mind.  Taking one positive thought every day and spending time with it brings good results.  This training makes the mind obedient at the time of need and allows me to be positive even in the most negative situations.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Day 363 Value of Self-Discipline


Day 363

วันที่ 29 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 363 ของปี

Value : Self-Discipline

"True discipline is easy and natural."


When we talk of discipline we usually think about something enforced on us.  Self-discipline is something many of us struggle with; it is something we have to work hard at developing and maintaining.  During times of need, we learn to discipline ourselves.  But when the time passes, or the pressure is off, we tend to return to our normal pattern of behavior.  Because it takes effort, self-discipline is considered difficult and burdensome.


Self-discipline is an expression of respect for myself.  The more I think about disciplining myself today, the stronger I will become.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Day 362 Value of Success


Day 362

วันที่ 28 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 362 ของปี

Value : Success

"Where everything is done according to the right method there is success."


When we don't achieve success immediately, we sometimes get tempted to opt for a short cut.  Although we might achieve something temporarily, in the long run it won't be beneficial - and somethings has the opposite effect to the one we desire.


Whenever I am involved in a task, I need to make sure that I am doing it properly.  Although at times I might be tempted to cut corners, I know this will only cause me problems later on.  When I make the effort to follow the right method, I know that it will be worthwhile in the end, and I will feel a greater sense of achievement when I complete the task.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Day 361 Value of Blessings

 Day 361

วันที่ 27 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 361 ของปี

Value : Blessing

"The one who accumulates blessings at each step attain easy success."


While working toward a goal, we sometimes find ourselves becoming so focused on it that we forget about those around us.  While we achieve what we set out to do, it is often at the cost of others' feelings and to the detriment of our relationships.


Behind every success there is the support of a strong pillar of blessings.  So I need to check how many people I make smile every day and think about what I could do to make those I care about happy.  This will help me become more sensitive to the feelings of others and help me continue to receive their blessings and good wishes.

credit :365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day 360 Value of Discernment


Day 360 

วันที่ 26 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 360 ของปี

Value : Discernment

"True power lies in understanding the significance of every situation."


When a difficult situation comes up, lots of questions come to mind.  We often find it hard to understand why a particular incident has happened, and this makes us feel helpless and confused.  We can then do nothing to change the situation.


I need to try to understand the significance of any situation that comes up.  There is a reason behind every situation.  When I can work out why the situation has happened, I will be able to work out what to do to resolve it.  This will help me regain control, and give me the power to take care of it successfully.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, December 25, 2020

Day 359 Value of Faith


Day 359 

วันที่ 25 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 359 ของปี

Value : Faith

"The one who overcomes situations using their inner power is a winner."


Sometimes situations come our way that we feel are too difficult for us even to attempt to solve.  We need to remember that everything happens for a reason.  Keeping this in mind makes the situation seem clearer, and brings solutions to the surface.


Whenever I am faced with a situation that I feel is too big for me to tackle, I need to take a step back and look at it from a different angle.  I need to have faith in my inner strength and remember that every situation has something to teach me, if I am willing to learn from it.  Only when I have the faith and push myself to achieve will I be able to grow.

credit :  365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 358 Value of Introspection

 Day 358

วันที่ 24 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 358 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"The one who knows to look within finds solutions to all problems."


Whenever we are faced with a problem, we hope that something will happen to change the circumstances.  When nothing happens, we begin to look for support or guidance from others.  We rarely think to look within.  Often the solutions we need re there; we just don't know how to find them.


If something goes wrong, the first thing I need to do is calm my mind and look within.  I need to have faith that the solutions to all problems lie within me.  As long as I remain positive, I will find the answers I need.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Day 357 Value of Inner Power


Day 357

วันที่ 23 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 357 ของปี

Value : Inner Power

"To be an embodiment of power is to be free from effort."


When faced with a challenge, we try to fill our mind with positive thoughts in an effort to combat the negativity of the situation.  If we find this difficult, we start to believe that we don't have the power to change our nature.  Then we continue to work with the weakness and strengthen it further.


In order to overcome my weaknesses I need to become an embodiment of power.  To do this, I need to get used to working with my power and believing in myself.  Then I will be able to call on my inner power whenever I need it and transform a negative situation into a positive one with ease.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Day 356 Value of Self-Control

 Day 356

วันที่ 22 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 356 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To understand the importance of my actions is to create my own destiny."


We often blame the situation or other people when things go wrong.  But sometimes we need to look inward and check whether there was anything we could have done differently.  It can be difficult to acknowledge when we have made a mistake, but this is the only way we can learn to be truly successful.


Instead of blaming the situation or other people when things go wrong, I need to understand that power lies in my own hands.  When I am honest with myself, I can learn from past situations.  I have the power to put things right, and the ability to achieve whatever I put my mind to.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Day 355 Value of Blessings


Day 355

วันที่ 21 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 355 ของปี

 Value : Blessings

"The way to get blessings is to be open to learning."


When faced with negative situations, we often seek help or blessings from others.  But when we ask for help it may not be forthcoming, and we wonder if we have done something wrong.  Sometimes the help we really need is for others to leave us to get on with things - we have to learn from our own mistakes.


I need to learn that the best way to bring blessings into my life is to take positive action.  Even failure can be a blessing if it enables me to learn something.  When I learn how to help myself.  I will find that other people and situations conspire to help me.

Credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Day 354 Value of Creativity

 Day 354

วันที่ 20 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 354 ของปี

Value : Creativity

"Inner satisfaction brings creativity."


We often find ourselves falling into a routine.  We perform tasks the way we have always done them - often for no particular reason.  Life becomes monotonous, and we find it difficult to become inspired.


Only when I am happy within myself can I bring creativity to my life.  Even though I have to do a number of routine jobs each day, they do not have to become dull - when I am happy, I can think of innovative ways of doing them.  Even small changes have a big impact, and I will soon be inspired to make even larger changes to challenge me further.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 353 Value of Honesty


Day 353

วันที่ 19 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 353 ของปี

Value : Honesty

"To be honest with oneself is the only way to progress."


When we do not perform  well, it is tempting to make excuses.  One of that hardest things to learn is how to acknowledge our weaknesses.  Until we are able to do this, we will continue deluding ourselves that we are something we are not, and we will never reach our full potential.


When I am totally honest with myself, I will be able to see my weaknesses as clearly as in the mirror.  Once I have accepted that I need to make changes, I will become motivated to succeed.  Each small success will inspire me to the next step and I will continue to progress.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Day 352 Value of Progress

 Day 352

วันที่ 18 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 352

Value : Progress

"Real progress can be experienced when we face obstacles."


When we encounter obstacles along our path, we usually perceive them as negative and become irritated or discouraged.  Our work suffers as a result.  But it may be our attitude toward the obstacles that is the real problem, rather than the obstacles themselves.


When I come across a difficultly, I often see it as something negative.  Instead of seeing it as threat, I need to regard each new obstacle as an opportunity to stretch myself and develop my skills.  If I only attempt things I know I can do easily, I will not experience progress.  I need to keep in mind that to develop, I need to experience challenges on a regular basis.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Day 351 Value of Patience

 Day 351 

วันที่ 17 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 351 ของปี

Value : Patience

"Patience brings harmonious relationships."


Misunderstandings can cause problem in a relationship, especially when we make little effort to understand another person and their point of view.  We tend to become impatient and do not listen to what the other person is saying.  Instead, we make assumptions, which are often wrong and cause further misunderstandings.


When I have a difference of opinion with someone, I need to make time to listen to what the other person has to say.  Only then will I be able to understand their point of view.  This practice will help me clear up any misunderstandings I have with others and bring harmony to my relationships.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Day 350 Value of Self-Control

 Day 350

วันที่ 16 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 350 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"Where there is self-control there is flexibility."


When someone challenges the truth of what we say, we generally argue and try and prove ourselves right.  If we are stubborn and unwilling to listen to anyone else's point of view, we miss out on the opportunity to learn, and may damage our relationships.


Sometimes I am so convinced that I am right that I find it difficult to listen to someone else's point of view.  I have to realize that even if I am right, there may be something I can learn from listening to another's point of view.  I must take care to speak and listen respectfully in order to develop my relationships with others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 349 Value of Enthusiasm

 Day 349 

วันที่ 15 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 349 ของปี

Value : Enthusiasm

"To remain constantly enthusiastic means exchanging ideas with others."


Often when we are working toward a task, we find ourselves losing enthusiasm.  Things become dull or routine and our work suffers.  Other people become unhappy with us or our work.  While we try to understand their feelings, this is difficult, and our enthusiasm drops even further.


When I find myself losing enthusiasm, I need to ask myself if I can approach the task in another way.  Just talking about what I am doing with someone else can help me feel positive about it again, and he or she may inspire me to try something new.  Through the exchange of ideas, I become excited about that task once more, and my work quickly improves.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, December 14, 2020

Day 348 Value of Appreciation


Day 348 

วันที่ 14 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 348 ของปี

Value : Appreciation

"The one who is free from the desire for fame and glory receives natural recognition."


When we make a positive contribution, we often expect to get some sort of recognition.  Although we rarely voice this opinion, we feel hurt if others fail to show their appreciation for what we have done.


It's easy to get caught up in doing things just to get praise or recognition.  This means I don't really focus on what I'm actually doing, or doing it for the right reasons.  If I make sure that I enjoy whatever I do, I will no longer be concerned with gaining recognition, but will be able to enjoy the task for its own sake.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Day 347 Value of Forgiveness

Day 347

วันที่ 13 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 347 ของปี

Value : Forgiveness

"To forgive is to use the power of love within me."


When we have a difference of opinion with someone, we may not be able to express any love for that person.  If we find it difficult to talk to or interact with that person, we may try to get round the situation by avoiding them altogether.  The longer this goes on, the more difficult it become for us to forgive them.


My feelings for others reveal that I have the power of love within me.  I just need to learn to bring out this love.  Love will help me remember all the positive qualities others have, and I will soon find I am able to forgive them and make amends.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 346 Value of Sweetness


Day 346

วันที่ 12 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 346 ของปี

Value : Sweetness

"Others experience sweetness when words are filled with the power of truth."


The world is filled with false sweetness - for example, we may praise someone for having done well without really understanding what they've achieved.  This does not really benefit anyone.  For our words to have a real and lasting effect, sweetness must be combined with truth.


In order for my words to have an effect on others, I must take time to see if I have really understood the goodness in the other person.  Everything I say should be based only on the truth I have discovered in others.  Words that are spoken from the heart are always effective, and spread sweetness throughout my life and the lives of those around me.

credit : 365 days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, December 11, 2020

Day 345 Value of Purity


Day 345

วันที่ 11 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 345 ของปี

Value : Purity

"The one who is pure wins the hearts of others."


To be pure means to be without negative feelings or attitudes.  When we are pure, we are full of good wishes for others.  This naturally attracts others' love and blessings.


I need to try to remain pure in all my thoughts, words and actions today.  This practice helps to keep me free from negativity.  I must try to have good wishes for everyone I encounter, regardless of how they behave toward me.  When I am pure, I naturally attract good things into my life.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Day 344 Value of Contribution

 Day 344

วันที่ 10 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 344 ของปี

Value : Contribution

"To contribute selflessly is to move forward with the blessings of all."


Sometimes we find ourselves in situations in which there is a problem - where we are part of that problem.  When we try defending ourselves, others do not always understand.  At such times it seems as if there is no solution, and we find ourselves going in circles.


I need to become part of the solution instead of the problem, even if it does not benefit me personally.  This means doing whatever I can - no matter how small - in order to better the situation.  When I contribute to the solution, I create positive energy for change and receive blessings from those around me.

credit  : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 343 Value of Introspection


Day 343

วันที่ 9 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 343 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"My power enables me to look after and use the treasures within me."


Within every one of us there are a many treasures - thoughts, powers, values and virtues.  We may be unaware of some of them, or not be using them to their full potential.  But when we look within ourselves, we gradually become aware of these treasures, and learn how to use them in a worthwhile way.


I need to explore the treasures within me and try to discover one that I can work on today.  The more I work with the gifts I have been given, the stronger they will become.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Day 342 Value of Love


Day 342

วันที่ 8 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 342 ของปี

Value : Love

"Love allows us to experience victory in all situations."


Love gives us strength to draw upon in times of need and equips us to move forward with courage to tackle all the challenges life brings.  When we love others and are loved in return, we will always be victorious.


In a situation in which I find myself failing, I should draw strength from the love that surrounds me, as well as the love within me.  Knowing I am loved gives me the faith to overcome whatever obstacles are in my way.  When others love me, my belief in myself increases, leading to success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Day 341 Value of Creativity

 Day 341 

วันที่ 7 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 341 ของปี

Value : Creativity

"To be creative is to bring newness at each step."


Sometimes we have a tendency to get bored with what we are doing.  Even when working toward a goal, and moving continuously toward it, we are not satisfied.  The days seem to drag without bringing any real joy.  When this happens, we may question what are doing, or even be tempted to give up.


I need to be creative and try to bring something new to what I am doing every day.  Even a small change can make a big difference.  When I think creatively, I become more enthusiastic about what I am doing, and then there will always be something interesting to look forward to.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 340 Value of Positivity


Day 340

วันที่ 6 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 340 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"To see the unique qualities in everyone is to become special."


Although someone may have many positive qualities, as soon as we notice one negative quality in them we find it difficult to see anything else.  What we see in someone affects how we feel about them, and our relationships can suffer because of this.


It is natural to be colored or influenced by what I see.  But I have the power within me to change my perception.  When I choose to focus on the positive, I gradually forget about other people's flaws.  As I learn to appreciate them for their gifts and virtues, out relationship also becomes stronger.

Credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Day 339 Value of Patience

Day 339

วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 339 ของปี

Value : Patience

"The one who is patient experiences constant success."


We often expect things to happen quickly.  Even if we only put in a little effort we expect big results.  If we lack patience, we often jump to conclusions and react without understanding the situation.  When this happens, we are much less likely to succeed.


I need to understand that the fruit of the seeds I sow will come in time.  This gives me the patience to wait without expecting results too fast.  Patience also helps me to remain calm in the most negative situations.  When I become patient I will experience success whatever the immediate result of my actions might be.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Friday, December 4, 2020

Day 338 Value of Purity


Day 338

วันที่ 4 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 338 ของปี

Value : Purity

"To invoke the goodness within is to be pure."


Deep within ourselves, we have a lot of goodness.  When we are pure, we will find we are able to work with our inherent goodness.  Then nothing negative can prevent us from expressing it.  We become a clean mirror that allows others to see their own image of perfection.


I need to remind myself that when I work on my inner purity I can help people get in touch with their inherent goodness, too.  When I encounter someone negative, it is my duty to work with them to help them experience their original goodness.  When I remind myself of this, I make myself a clean mirror.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day 337 Value of Communication


Day 337

วันที่ 3 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 337 ของปี

Value : Communication

"The language of thoughts is more powerful than the language of words."


When we have a misunderstanding with someone, we often talk a lot to try and explain our point of view.  But we have a tendency to become defensive when we feel threatened,  and often words only make the situation worse.  Rather than talking more, we need to learn to think better.


I know that sometimes it is not my words that are important, but the thoughts behind them.  I may say little, but the feeling behind my words its so strong that it is easy for the other person to understand my intentions.  Powerful thoughts bring clarity to my communication with others, and help me develop my relationships.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Day 336 Value of Positivity


Day 336

วันที่ 2 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 336 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"The vision of seeing specialties frees the mind from negativity."


Negativity is more easily noticed than positivity.  Whenever we see someone using some negative trait, all their specialties remain hidden and we get caught up with their negativity.  Our interactions with that person become tainted by negativity, and it become difficult to turn things around.


I need to focus on seeing the positive in the people around me.  When someone does or says something negative, I need to make a special effort to see something good.  This helps me to keep myself free from negativity and makes my interaction with that person pleasant, rather than fraught with difficulties.  The other person is likely to respond positively toward me,  which in turn will help them leave their negativity behind.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day 335 Value of Giving

 Day 335

วันที่ 1 ธันวาคม เป็นวันที่ 335 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To help others to grow is to enable ourselves to grow."


It is easy to raise our voices and complain when we encounter someone else's negativity.  This disturbs our own inner calm, and we become caught up with that negativity.  When thrown off-balance in this way, we are unable to give the other person the support he or she needs.


When someone is doing something wrong I need to see what I can do to help that person.  There is surely something I can contribute toward the growth of each and every human being.  When I focus on how best is it to offer my help, I do not become caught up with negativity, and I can transform the situation into one that benefits us both.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 334 Value of Love


Day 334

วันที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 334 ของปี

Value : Love

"Self-love brings joy to one's life."


People look for love through relationships.  Yet this love is colored with expectation.  When these expectations are not fulfilled there is a tendency to get upset.  Before we can love others, we need to learn to love ourselves.


When I love myself, I am able to appreciate all the unique qualities and virtues that are part of me.  I feel happy and secure within myself, and I am able to project that love out toward other people.  The more love I express, the more love I receive in return, filling my life with joy.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Day 333 Value of Self-Control


Day 333

วันที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 333 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To be free from desires is to be full of all attainments."


Although we are generally free from big desires we are often full of little desires.  Even though they are only small, they have a noticeable effect on our well-being: because of these little desires we are not able to experience and enjoy all life's attainments.


I need to tell myself that chasing desires is like chasing my own shadow: the more I try to follow it, the more it runs away from me.  All I have to do is to turn back and move toward the sun (my destination).  Then my shadow will follow me and I will feel contented and fulfilled.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Day 332 Value of Giving


Day 332

วันที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 332 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To be giver is to be powerful."


It is easy to give to those who are positive toward us.  It is more difficult to recognize that those who behave negatively toward us are often more in need of our help.


The only way I can remain positive when someone is behaving negatively toward me is to remind myself of my inner power.  When I connect to what I have, I am able to be a giver without expecting anything in return.  The cool waters of my positivity help put out the fire of anger.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

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Day 331 Value of Balance


Day 331

วันที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 331 ของปี

Value : Balance

"With the balance of love and discipline, energy can be saved while speaking."


Throughout the day, we find ourselves having to explain many things to many people.  In doing so, we expend a lot of words.  In the process, we tend to lose a great deal of energy and become tired.  It is not the work but the words that make us feel tired.


In order to save my energy and use fewer words I need to make sure I maintain the balance of love and discipline when explaining things to others.  Discipline will equip me to give the right directions while love will make my directions effective.  I will soon find that a few words are enough to get my message across.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 330 Value of Calmness


Day 330

วันที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 330 ของปี

Value : Calmness

"To be calm is to work to build relationships."


It is easy to speak negatively when we do not like something about someone and to react to a situation and become angry.  The other person naturally responds negatively to our negative thoughts, and then it becomes almost impossible to build a positive relationship.


When something goes wrong in any relationship, the first thing I need to do is to keep calm.  When I do this, I will not be caught up with the negativity of the situation or the negative trait of the person at that time.  Instead I will be able to see the beauty in that person.  I will be able to appreciate and connect to the uniqueness of that person and so create a positive atmosphere that helps to rebuild the relationship.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 329 Value of Self-Control


Day 329

วันที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 329 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To be free from careless words is to be light."


While we tend to avoid saying things that are negative or harmful toward others, we often speak carelessly.  Sometimes we say things that are of no use to others, or may even hurt their feelings.  Careless words weigh us down and stop us from feeling light and free.


I need to pay attention so that I so not speak carelessly.  If I keep in mind the phrase "Speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly", this little thought will help me make my words more meaningful and I will never hurt others' feelings.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Day 328 Value of Giving


Day 328

วันที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 328 ของปี

Value : Giving

"The way to get what we need is to give."


We usually want to get the best out of everything.  We have expectations about what we feel we should receive.  But sometimes we find it difficult to get what we need.  We may try harder, but still find ourselves unable to get the best out of people or situations.  This only leads to frustration.


If I am not getting what I want or need, I may need to adopt a different approach.  Instead of focusing on my own desires, I need to understand that perhaps I'm not getting what I want for a reason - perhaps I'm not ready for it yet.  If I concentrate instead on what I have to give others, I will find that what I need comes to me naturally.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Day 327 Value of Self-Control


Day 327

วันที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 327 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To progress is to be careful with one's inner resources."


We usually pay attention to accumulating wealth and take care not to waste money.  But we rarely think about how we waste time or thoughts.


Every day I need to check where and how I use my two main resources: time and thoughts.  When I am aware of how I spend them, I will realize where I use them well, and when I could make better use of them.  Constant checking will help me use them in a more constructive way and I will soon notice how much more easily I progress in all my tasks.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Day 326 Value of Positivity


Day 326

วันที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 326 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"To be free from questions brings the ability to fly."


When difficult situations come our way, we tend to create a lot of unnecessary questions in our minds.  These wasteful thoughts fill our minds with negativity, draining us of energy.  At the time, it seems natural to have such thoughts and we get caught up only with these ideas, leaving no space for constructive thoughts.


When difficult situations come my way, I need not be caught up with "why" things happened, but instead make the effort to "fly".  I need to find a way to empower myself so that I become stronger than the situation; so that I can fly above it.  Then the situation will seem tiny and I can overcome it easily.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day 325 Value of Self-Control


Day 325

วันที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 325 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To be free from careless words ensures easy success."


We often waste a lot of time and energy in gossip or slander.  We focus on pointing out the mistakes of others rather than paying attention to learning new things or looking for the positive.  When our attitude, words and actions are full of negativity, there can be no real success.


When I free myself from careless words and a negative attitude, I will be able to use my resources in a positive and useful way.  If I believe in myself and others, the words I speak will be filled with the power of faith and positivity.  I will soon find I accomplish much more, and receive the good wishes of those around me.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Friday, November 20, 2020

Day 324 Value of Awareness


Day 324

วันที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 324 ของปี

Value : Awareness

"An elevated consciousness brings specialty to the task being done."


Sometimes, while engaged in a special task, our consciousness tends to become ordinary because of negative feelings for the self or others.  Such thoughts turn even the most special task into an ordinary one.


I need to understand that my consciousness (or how I feel about something) affects what I do.  If I feel negatively towards it, the quality of what I produce will drop.  When I am able to start each task with a special consciousness, thinking "I am creative", or "I am happy" or even "this task is for the benefit of all", I become fully aware and able to appreciate the experience of doing the task.  This allows me to carry out the task to the best of my ability.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day 323 Value of Discernment


Day 323

วันที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 323 ของปี

Value : Discernment

"Feelings change intentions, which in turn change actions."


Everything we do is affected by how we feel about it, even if we are unaware of our feelings at the time.  Sometimes we are caught up with negative feelings, such as jealousy or hatred of another person.  These feelings create misunderstanding and conflict.  Even if the other person does something with good intentions, we may not be able to see this.


Instead of being caught up with negative feelings, I need to look for the positive in everything and make the effort to understand my feelings.  When I start seeing the world in a different way, this will affect the things I do.  I will start behaving positively toward others, and this will affect their behavior toward me.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 322 Value of Courage

 Day 322

วันที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 322 ของปี

Value : Courage

"The one who has the power to face situations with courage is free from tension."


It is natural to feel worry or tension in a difficult situation - or to run away from the situation altogether.  Although this may work for a short time, it is not a solution.  We have to draw upon our inner courage in order to meet the challenge head on.  When we do this, we often realize it is not as bad as it first appeared.


Courage drives out fear and negativity.  When I can face every situation with courage, I will no longer encounter difficulties.  I will become free from tension, and better able to tackle anything that life throws at me.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Day 321 Value of Appreciation


Day 321

วันที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 321 ของปี

Value : Appreciation

"To be careless means to misuse our gifts."


We are often careless with our gifts.  Sometimes we misuse them or neglect them.  We often rely on certain gifts to get us through, rather than making effort to address situations properly.  We become careless, and unable to recognize the need for self-development.


I need to understand the importance of the gifts I have been given, and that they have been given to me for a reason.  I will remind myself today not to take them for granted.  Instead, I will use my abilities to try to help others as well as myself.  The more my gifts develop, the more quickly I will grow.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Day 320 Value of Freedom


Day 320

วันที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 320 ของปี

Value : Freedom

"The desire for perfection ends all other desires."


Our life is full of desires.  When one desire is fulfilled, ten others take its place in a never-ending cycle.  We tend to get disturbed or upset when our desires are not fulfilled, yet we often continue to justify them.  Life then becomes full of expectation followed by disappointment.  We become slaves to our desires.


The desire for perfection only brings the capacity to keep learning from all situations.  Since the mind is busy bringing about perfection, there is no time for negativity.  I no longer think about what I want to obtain, but continue to gain through the knowledge I accumulate.  Then I become free from all other desires, and experience progress.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 319 Value of Tolerance

 Day 319

วันที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 319 ของปี

Value : Tolerance

"The one who is tolerant is most successful."


Tolerance frees the mind of careless thoughts because then we experience no negativity toward anyone.  When we are tolerant, we are accepting of others and situations.  This means we adapt easily and will soon achieve success.


When things go wrong and I find obstacles in my way, instead of worrying or sinking into negativity, I need to draw upon the power of tolerance to help me accept the situation.  When I have acknowledged that I cannot change what has happened, I am freed to focus on the solution.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day 318 Value of Lightness


Day 318

วันที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 318 ของปี

Value : Lightness

"To experience lightness is to let go of our burdens."


When we have a problem, we usually carry the entire weight of it ourselves.  We sometimes feel that to ask for help is to admit weakness.  We find it difficult to let go, even though the weight of the problem is bringing us down and making it difficult for us to enjoy life.


I need to look at the burden I am carrying around with me and work out if there is a way to lighten the load, or even to get rid of it all together.  Sometimes, sharing a problem with others is the easiest way to take the weight off my shoulders.  Then I will begin to experience lightness and this will enable me to find the right solutions.

Credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, November 13, 2020

Day 317 Value of Hope

 Day 317

วันที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน เป็นวันที่ 317 ของปี

Value : Hope

"To transform negativity into hope brings progress."


When someone behaves negatively toward us, we get disturbed and upset.  Although we try to stay calm and balanced, our own negative feelings make the situation worse.  When this happens, we find ourselves losing hope, and then there is no benefit in anything we think, speak or do.


The only way I can remain positive and experience progress in the most negative situation is to hold on to hope.  I need to understand that no situation is ever totally negative or completely without hope.  This will give me the strength to look at the situation more closely and find the positive hidden within it.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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