Saturday, October 31, 2020

Day 304 Value of Simplicity


Day 304

วันที่ 31 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 304 ของปี

Value : Simplicity

"Simplicity sharpens the power of perception."


Often, something we perceive as a big problem is actually much smaller than we realize.  It is only when we get to the heart of the matter that we begin to understand that everything else was unimportant.


Before I take any important decision I need to stop for a while, detach myself from the situation and consider it with a calm mind.  When I do this, I will be able to look at the problem simply.  My thoughts will become free from distractions and I will be able to make the right decision.

credit ; 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Day 303 Value of Responsibility


Day 303

วันที่ 30 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 303 ของปี

Value : Responsibility

"The one who is responsible is the one who is satisfied."


When we grasp our responsibilities with  enthusiasm and fulfill them with commitment, our work will become more efficient and effective.  This leads to satisfaction and contentment.


I need to take the responsibility to contribute something significant to every task I do.  When I focus on this, I will find that I am able to give my best, and in turn I will be satisfied with whatever I am doing.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Day 302 Value of Constancy

Day 302

วันที่ 29 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 302 ของปี

Value : Constancy

"The one who destroys all attachment becomes completely steady and constant."


It's easy to become attached - to money, to jewellery or relationships.  But whatever we are attached to will draw our intellect toward it.  When the intellect is pulled again and again it becomes impossible o remain constant.


Today I will not let my intellect be pulled away from the matter in hand or allow my thoughts to wander aimlessly.  This will help me to become more steady and constant in everything I do.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 301 Value of Responsibility


Day 301

วันที่ 28 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 301 ของปี

Value : Responsibility

"Being responsible means performing one's role to the best of one's ability."


Just as an actor accepts the role he is given and performs to the best of his or her ability, so taking responsibility for one's life means accepting and honoring the role so that the performance is of the best quality.  When we do this, we remain constantly aware of our time and resourcs, and use them as best we can.


Each day I need to think of myself as a good actor who brings out the best in whatever role they are given.  Instead of thinking about what I don't have, I need to accept responsibility for my life and honor the role so that my performance is the best.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I am a master murlidhar


I am a master murlidhar

and make Maya surrender

to the music of the Murli.




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Day 300 Value of Compassion

Day 300

วันที่ 27 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 300 ของปี

Value : Compassion

"Compassion is to give blessings to others."


When I have mercy for others I will not speak or think of the mistakes or the weaknesses in others.  When I speak about such things, it spreads from one person to the next.  Instead of speaking, I have to merge it into love.  This sends blessing to others, which helps them improve.


When I notice a weakness in someone, instead of drawing attention to it by speaking to others, I need to make a special effort to focus on something positive in that person. When I think about this person's good qualities, my love for them will grow.  I will be able to see them in a positive light, whatever their flaws.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

Monday, October 26, 2020

Day 299 Value of Tirelessness


Day 299 

วันที่ 26 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 299 ของปี

Value : Tirelessness

"The one who is tireless work quietly to make changes in themselves and others."


When things go wrong, tirelessness enables me to work toward bringing about a change without complaining.  Like when we add bricks to build a foundation, no one notices the actual work, but he result speaks for itself.


Sometimes it can be difficult to adjust, especially when the adjustment required is due to someone else's mistake.  When this happens, I have to have faith that this is my contribution to bring about a change.  When I adjust and adapt to the situation without feelings of negativity, I will find things changing for the better.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 298 Value of Respect


Day 298

วันที่ 25 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 298 ของปี

Value : Respect

"Respect is to recognize and appreciate the unique role of everyone."


Like actors, each of us plays a number of roles.  In fact, we often play several roles at once, as we interact with different people in different settings.  We need to realize that everyone is unique:

no-one person could play another's part.  Our respect for everyone grows when we understand this and recognize the individual contribution they make.


When I find myself having negative thoughts toward anyone, I need to look at the special role this person has to play.  When I look closely, I will realize how talented they are, and will develop new respect for them.  Without this particular person, the drama of life would not be complete.

Credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

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Saturday, October 24, 2020

I am constantly be light and successful


I am constantly be light and successful

by looking after my physical household 

and my divine family equally.




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Day 297 Value of Compassion


Day 297 

วันที่ 24 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 297 ของปี

Value : Compassion

"The one who is compassionate is constantly giving."


Compassion helps us understand other people around us.  It allows us to forgive them for their mistakes, and to focus on what we can give them, rather than looking for something from them.  Then we do not judge or try to change their behavior directly.  Instead, we focus on their positive qualities and offer them our unconditional love.


It is easy to judge people quickly without understanding the reasons behind their words or actions.  When I am expecting others to change, I must remind myself that I am the one who must change because I understand the situation better.  I can forgive others with love and only have good wishes for them.  In turn, this will help them grow.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Day 296 Value of Determination


Day 296

วันที่ 23 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 296 ของปี

Value : Determination

"A victorious soul embodies success."


As soon as we have a though, it is easy to let it fly away.  We think we will attend to it in the future and tend to put off action.  This is a sign of weakness.


Today I will show determination with every thought that comes to mind. As soon as I have a thought I will become the embodiment of that thought.  In this way I will also embody success.

credit : 365 Day of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

I have a right to the thorn of the kingdom

 I have a right to the thorn of the kingdom

by booking a ticket for the lok-pasand sabha

(Public assembly)


ด้วยการจองตั๋ว เพื่อการประชุมในที่สาธารณะ

credit :

Day 295 Value of Responsibility


Day 295 

วันที่ 22 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 295 ของปี

Value : Responsibility

"Responsibility is best fulfilled by the one who is detached."


It is easy we get too involved in a task we are responsible for, insisting on trying to do everything on our own,  This only leads to us becoming more and more stressed and worried about the task, and stops us from doing as well as we are able.


When I have to take up some new responsibility, I need to tell myself that I will do my best in fulfilling the responsibility and then become detached.  I will then find it easier to delegate and I will find myself doing my best because there are no expectations.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I am a soul who have judgement power.

 I am a soul who have judgement power

and controlling power and become

a constant embodiment of success.




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Day 294 Value of Peace


Day 294

วันที่ 21 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 294 ของปี

Value : Peace

"To experience peace is to become powerful."


Often, when we busy and have a lot to remember, the mind becomes full of thoughts.  The more the thoughts we have, the less peaceful the mind becomes.  We can calm the mind by channeling our thoughts.  By maintaining one powerful thought throughout the day, we can experience constant peace.


In the morning, when my mind is calm, I need to focus on a positive, powerful thought, for example, "I am always fortunate".  If I keep reminding myself of this thought, it will help me remain peaceful within myself, no matter what happens during the day.

credit : 365 Day of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I am a double light soul


I am a double light soul

and experience the subtle region 

keeping my mind and intellect

free from the dictates of my mind.





credit :

Day 293 Value of Patience


Day 293 

วันที่ 20 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 293 ของปี

Value : Patience

"Patience helps me move beyond expectations."


Patience teaches us to sow the seed in the form of the right actions and to allow the fruits of those actions to ripen in their own time.


I don't need to think about the future benefits of what I do now, because I know I will receive what I need when the time is right.  If I let go of expectations and allow things to develop in their own time, I will be able to enjoy the tasks I do now for their own sake.  The more enjoyment I get out of every activity, the better I will do.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, October 19, 2020

Day 292 Value of Introspection


Day 292

วันที่ 19 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 292 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"Introspection helps me to manages my thoughts better."


When we develop the practice of introspection, we find it easier to manage our thoughts as the mind becomes free of negativity.  We find we spend less time thinking, since the right thoughts and solutions to problems emerge effortlessly.


When I find myself thinking too much and going over a particular situation in my mind, I should try and sit in silence and practise going within myself instead.  When I learn to experience the peace deep within me I will be able to remain calm and positive at all times.

credit : Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

I am able to concentrate and control my mind

I am able to concentrate 

and control my mind 

with an injection of bodiless.




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Sunday, October 18, 2020

I am an elevated server.

 I am an elevated server

and finish any account of waste

by checking even my thoughts.




credit :

Day 291 Value of Respect


Day 291

วันที่ 18 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 291 ของปี

Value : Respect

"Respect for the task at hand brings out the best in me."


Even the smallest tasks become special when we understand why we are doing them.  With understanding comes respect.  To respect something is to place a value on it: when we value what we do, we automatically give our best to the task at hand.


Sometimes I have so many things to do that I tend to rush through them as quickly as possible, particularly those I don't rate as so important. I need to tell myself at the beginning of properly, and enjoy what I do.  This practice will help bring out the best in me.

credit : 365 Day of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

I am a karma yogi


I am a karma yogi and independent soul

and finish all karmic bondages

with the awareness of my birth of dying alive.

ฉันเป็นคาร์มาโยคี และเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่เป็นอิสระ



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Day 290 Value of Humility


Day 290

วันที่ 17 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 290 ของปี

Value : Humility

"Humility enables people to realize their mistakes and correct themselves."


Real humility results in so much power of truth that we often don't need to say anything in words.  The power of our inner state of being will make other people realize the error of their ways, and will inspire them to correct mistakes on their own.


Only when I am humble will I be able to help others progress.  I have to set an example for them to follow by making sure my thoughts, words and actions reflect those I would like to see in them.  I will not need to correct others; instead, I will have the satisfaction of watching them grow.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, October 16, 2020

I am the merciful children of the Merciful Father.


I am the merciful children of the Merciful Father

and show everyone their destination

and the Father's introduction.




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Day 289 Value of Patience


Day 289

วันที่ 16 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 289 ของปี

Value : Patience

"Patience reduces speed, which in turn, brings progress."


Patience makes us cool and calm.  It helps us understand that like a marathon runner, it is necessary to pace ourselves and preserve our energy till the end.  This naturally brings patience so that we find ourselves achieving success in everything we undertake.


When I find that I am expecting too much from myself, I have to remind myself that I will achieve what I have to when I pace myself in the proper way.  Trying to do too much at one time will only leave me exhausted and will achieve little.  I need to learn not to rush things, but to tackle each task with care.  Patience leads to greater success in the long run.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

I am a constantly ignited light


I am a constantly ignited light

and know my own importance 

and my task and merge all my thoughts

and stabilize in one thought.



และงานของตนเอง และ หลอมรวมความคิดทั้งหมด


credit :

Day 288 Value of Stability


Day 288

วันที่ 15 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 288 ของปี

Value : Stability

"The one who serves others is the one who can remain stable in all situations."


Serving others brings us stability.  When we focus on whatwe can give others, rather than on what they can give us, we become grounded.  We let go of our expectations of people or situations, and we attract good wishes from everyone we encounter.


Each day I need to try and give something to each person I meet.  This could be as simple as a good wish.  The thing itself is not as important as the thought behind it.  Once I learn to do this, I will be able to give continuously, whatever situation I find myself in.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I become a light for the world

 I become a light for the world

and take devotees beyond

with the glance by becoming

an image that grant visions.



เพียงพริบตาเดียว ด้วยการ


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Day 287 Value of Silence

 Day 287 

วันที่ 14 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 287 ของปี

Value : Silence

"The power of silence can bring peace to any situation."


The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings.  When we understand and experience the power of silence,  we become more powerful.  As our power grows, so does our experience of peace.


Silence based on pure feelings and love can help bring peace to any situation.  When I have a disagreement with someone, it is far better to be silent rather than become aggressive or confrontational.  When I accept other people as they are with love, I will be able to bring about a change in them.  I need to remember that the less I talk, the more room I allow  for peace to grow.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I become a lord of matter


I become a lord of matter

by having the stage of

putting a full stop, and stopping 

any upheaval of matter.



และหยุดความปั่นป่วนของวัตถุธาตุใด ๆ

credit :

Day 286 Value of Introspection


Day 286 

วันที่ 13 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 286 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"Introspection enable me to experience progress."


Introspection allows us to reflect upon our thoughts, words and actions.  When we take the time to look within it is like holding up a mirror to our inner self.  We are able to see our flaws as well as our good qualities.  When we recognize our faults, we gain the power to bring about a change and achieve progress.


We all have flaws, and these are what cause us to make mistakes.  I need to remind myself that with each mistake I make, I actually gain a chance to learn.  I can use each situation as an opportunity to progress.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Monday, October 12, 2020

I imbibe the awareness of three things

 I imbibe the awareness of three things 

awareness of oneself , awareness of the Father,

awareness of the knowledge of drama

and become completely victorious.


สำนึกรู้ในตนเอง สำนึกรู้ในพ่อ



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Day 285 Value of Humility


Day 285 

วันที่ 12 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 285 ของปี

Value : Humility

"Humility brings benefit to many."


When we are humble, we do not do things for our own success or gratification, but for the benefitof others.  Neither do we seek reward from others: to give brings its own satisfaction.


Whenever I work with others, I need to learn to practice humility in order to get the best out of them and the situation.  When I begin working for the greater good rather than my own benefit, I will find I am able to work with others more easily, and we achieve greater success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, October 11, 2020

I am a conqueror of Maya and conqueror of the world.


I am a conqueror of Maya and conqueror of the world

and transform my enemies, the five vices,

and make them co-operative.


และเปลี่ยนศัตรู กิเลสทั้งห้า


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Day 284 Value of Simplicity


Day 284

วันที่ 11 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 284 ของปี

Value : Simplicity

"Greatness is visible in simplicity."


Living a simple life helps free us from things that are unimportant.  It doesn't have to mean giving up all we have and living an austere life.  It means letting go of our attachment to material things, rather than the things themselves.


A simple lifestyle can offer inspiration to those around me.  I need to remind myself that although I do not need to give anything up, nor should I let myself become dependent on material objects.  This allows me to become light and free.  With simplicity, my lifestyle takes on and easiness that can provide healing and comfort to those around me.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

I am an image of support for the world


I am an image of support for the world

and remain constantly busy 

in the task of world benefit.




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Day 283 Value of Patience


Day 283

วันที่ 10 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 283 ของปี

Value : Patience

"Patience enables one to develop detached observation."


In most situations when we can do nothing about the things that are going on, we need to watch with detachment. Detachment gives us the power to wait patiently.  Patience at such a time is like a protective mother who offers refug to the child in a difficult situation just by being there.


When things are not turning out well and I am unable to do anything about the situation, I need to remind myself that all I can do is wait.  Patience allows me to wait for the storm to pass, and faith helps me hold on to the belief that things will get better - the clouds always lift eventually.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, October 9, 2020

I gains victory over adverse situations.


I gain victory over adverse situations

with my original stage and

become a confluence-aged victorious jewel.


ด้วยสภาวะดั้งเดิมของฉัน และกลายเป็น


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Day 282 Value of Generosity


Day 282 

วันที่ 9 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 282 ของปี

Value : Generosity

"There is happiness in distributing the fruit of fortune with generosity."


Every on of us is blessed with unique gifts and talents.  The more we understand and appreciate how fortunate we are, the more we will enjoy sharing our particular fortune with others.  Whatever we share will always come back to us, and so our fortune increases.


Instead of wishing I had more, or wanting something better, I need to remind myself of all the ways in which I am fortunate.  When I begin to appreciate what I have been given, I will be able to make the best use of what I have.  This also means learning to share my fortune with others.  When I do this, I will find my blessings grow naturally.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

I am concentrated soul who stay in solitude.


I am concentrated soul who stay in solitude

and make my stage constant and stability

and become an embodiment of total success.




credit :

Day 281 Value of Humility

Day 281

วันที่ 8 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 281 ของปี

Value : Humility

"Humility brings learning and this in turn brings progress."


Where there is humility, there is willingness to learn.  Ego comes when humility is lacking and prevents us from learning from situations or the people around us.  The power of humility equips us to learn and constantly move forward.


Sometimes, things go wrong for a reason; there is a lesson we need to learn.  When something goes wrong, rather than feeling bad about it, I need to see what I can learn from it.  When I understand this, I will become humble.  My humility helps me make sure I never become arrogant, and that I am always open to learning.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I am constant destroyer of obstacles


I am constant destroyer of obstacles

by always wearing my 

obstacle-proof shining, angelic dress.




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picture : ebay,com

Day 280 Value of Happiness


Day 280

วันที่ 7 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 280 ของปี

Value : Happiness

"Happiness is experienced by those whose actions and attitudes are pure and selfless."


When our actions are pure and selfless, there is no trace of negativity.  Without negativity, the mind naturally becomes free from feelings of guilt, fear and sadness.  We experience a constant state of happiness.


If I find there is no happiness in my life, I need to reflect on what is stopping me from becoming happy.  I need to think about my thoughts, words and actions, and make changes in my life which will benefit me, and those around me.  When I do this, I will find that I experience constant happiness.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

I have a combined Shiv Shakti form


I have a combined Shiv Shakti form

and spread the fragrance of elevated vibrations

with the thoughts in my mind and my attitude.




credit :

Day 279 Value of Faith


Day 279

วันที่ 6 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 279 ของปี

Value : Faith

"Faith in the self gives us the power to face challenges."


When we have faith in ourselves, we will never give up.  If we believe we will succeed, we can tap into our inner power to find the strength to carry on.  When we believe in ourselves, we can transform negative to positive, and make the impossible possible.  No challenge can stop us from moving forward.


When any task demands strength beyond my capacity, I need to remind myself of the power within me.  If I think back to all the times I have succeeded, despite the obstacles I faced, this will help strengthen my faith in myself and my abilities.  I will then be able to face every challenge with renewed enthusiasm, knowing that I can overcome it.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

Monday, October 5, 2020

I am a true server.


I am a true server

who finishes all differences

and bring about unity.




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Day 278 value of Generosity

Day 278

วันที่ 5 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 278 ของปี

Value : Generosity

"To be generous-hearted is to bestow others with specialties and virtues."


True generosity means co-operating with others and helping them develop.  Each of us has special gifts and talents that we can use to help others.  When we help others nurture their own gifts, our own are allowed to blossom.


I first need to think of something that is very special in me.  Then I need to take the thought of using this gift for someone else's benefit each day.  This thought will enable me to use my gift constantly, in a way that will benefit others as well as myself.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, October 4, 2020

I am an easy effort-maker


I am an easy effort-maker

who make the atmosphere spiritual

with my elevated stage of spirituality.




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Day 277 Value of Forgiveness


Day 277

วันที่ 4 ตุลาคม เป็นวันที่ 277 ของปี

Value : Forgiveness

"To forgive means to forget mistakes committed in the past."


To truly forgive someone for a mistake they have made, we have to be able to forget it.  If we cannot, this means that we have not been able to completely forgive them.  Forgiveness takes work: we have to learn to let go of the wrong done to us.


When someone has done something wrong, I have to be able to look at it in a detached way.  I need to remind myself that others have their own lessons to learn.  If I can help them, I will.  But if there is nothing I can do, I need to forget about it.  I don't have to cloud my mind with negativity by thinking about it repeatedly.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Saturday, October 3, 2020

I am a Maya-proof soul

 I am a Maya-proof soul

and give the practical proof of God's knowledge

with my elevated life.




credit :