Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Slogan Today 31 May 2023

 When you become embodiments of happiness, children of the Bestower of Happiness, no waves of unhappiness can come to you.

เมื่อลูกเป็นรูปธรรมของความสุข เป็นลูกของผู้ประทานความสุข ไม่ว่าคลื่นของความทุกข์ใด ๆ  ก็ไม่สามารถเข้ามาหาลูกได้

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Blessing Today 31 May 2023

 May you become unshakeable and immovable and finish all questions and put a full stop by having the awareness of “nothing new”.

ขอให้ลูกไม่หวั่นไหวสั่นคลอน และจบสิ้นทุกคำถาม และใส่จุดฟูลสต๊อป ด้วยการมีสำนึกรู้ของคำว่า "ไม่มีอะไรใหม่"

Whenever anything happens, you children have the knowledge that it is nothing new, and that you have repeated every scene many times. With the awareness of “nothing new”, you can never have any upheaval and will remain constantly unshakeable and immovable. If something new happened, you would then ask in surprise, “What is this? Does this have to happen?” However, when it is nothing new, there are no questions of “What?” or “Why?”, but a full stop is applied. By seeing every scene in this way, you can continue to put a full stop and continue to sing songs of “Wah! Wah!” even in distress.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Slogan Today 30 May 2023

 Those who receive the fruit (fal) and power (bal) of service are powerful.

ผู้ที่ได้รับผลและได้รับพลังของงานรับใช้ คือผู้ที่มีพลัง

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Blessing Today 30 May 2023

May you be seated on your throne and claim the throne of the kingdom of the world, numberwise, by following the father.

ขอให้ลูกนั่งบนบัลลังก์ของลูกและประกาศสิทธิ์ในบัลลังก์แห่งอาณาจักรของโลกตามลำดับกันไป ด้วยการทำตามพ่อ

Just as the father placed the children in the front and he remained the backbone, follow the father in the same way. The more you follow the father here, the more you will be seated numberwise on the throne of the kingdom of the world there. The more you stay in the Father’s company and eat, drink, play and study with Him at this time, so you will stay with him just as much, there. The more awareness children have of their closeness, the more there will automatically be natural intoxication and faith. So, constantly feel in your heart: I have been the Father’s companion many times, I am that now and will continue to be that countless times.

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Monday, May 29, 2023

Slogan Today 29 May 2023

 Have all relationships with the Father, the Bestower of Fortune, and you will become full of all attainments.

จงมีทุกความสัมพันธ์กับพ่อผู้ประทานโชค และลูกจะกลับมาเต็มไปด้วยการได้มาซึ่งการบรรลุผลทั้งหมด

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Blessing Today 29 May 2023

 May you be an elevated server who makes the future of many elevated with your own features.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้รับใช้ที่สูงส่ง ผู้ที่ทำให้อนาคตของหลายคนสูงส่ง ด้วยคุณสมบัติของลูก

You all do the service of speaking according to your capacity and according to the time, but when your future confluence-aged angelic form is visible in your features, you will easily be able to do service. Just as your non-living images do service with their features even in the last birth, in the same way, let there constantly be a sparkle of happiness, peace and joy in your features, and you will then be able to do elevated service. No matter how unhappy, peaceless and distressed souls may be, when they see your features they will be able to make their future elevated.

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Slogan Today 28 May 2023

 Those who have all the powers of the Almighty Authority Father can never be defeated.

ผู้ที่มีพลังทั้งหมดของพ่อผู้ทรงอำนาจ จะไม่มีวันพ่ายแพ้

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Blessing Today 28 May 2023

 May you attain divine success with a divine intellect as an embodiment of success.

ขอให้ลูกบรรลุความสำเร็จด้วยสติปัญญาที่สูงส่ง ในฐานะที่เป็นรูปธรรมของความสำเร็จ

Use your divine intellect in the right way according to the time and you will have total success on the palms of your hands. Success is not a big thing, but just the cleanliness of a divine intellect. Just as magicians now show the cleanliness (dexterity of their hands) of their hands, so the cleanliness of a divine intellect brings total success on the palms of your hands. You Brahmin souls have attained total divine success and this is why, even today, devotees go in front of your non-living idols to attain success.

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Slogan Today 27 May 2023

 In order to become strong and mature, consider tests to be a good sign and remain happy.

เพื่อที่จะกลับมาแข็งแรงและมีความเป็นผู้ใหญ่ จงพิจารณาว่าข้อสอบนี้เป็นสิ่งที่ดีและอยู่อย่างมีความสุข

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Blessing Today 27 May 2023

 May you be a complete renunciate, the same as the Father and give everyone the feeling of belonging with your generosity.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้สละละทิ้งเช่นเดียวกับพ่อ และให้ความรู้สึกของการเป็นของกันและกันกับทุกคน ด้วยความใจกว้างของลูก

A complete renunciate is one whose thoughts, nature, sanskars and nature are like those of the Father. The Father’s nature is your nature. Constantly have the same sanskars as the Father’s. To have love, mercy and generosity is known as having a big heart. Your big heart makes everyone feel that they belong. A big heart is blessed with success in the body, mind, wealth and relationships. Those with a small heart have to work hard and they experience less success. Those who have a big and generous heart become equal to the Father and the Lord is pleased with them.

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Friday, May 26, 2023

Slogan Today 26 May 2023

Continue to follow the instructions of the one Father and the whole world will automatically surrender to you.

เฝ้าแต่ทำตามคำแนะนำของพ่อเพียงผู้เดียว และทั้งโลกจะอุทิศตนให้แก่ลูกโดยอัตโนมัติ

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ฺBlessing Today 26 May 2023

May you become a great and knowledge-full soul by knowing the importance of this time and transforming anything wasteful into something powerful.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่ยิ่งใหญ่และเต็มไปด้วยความรู้ ด้วยการรู้ถึงความสำคัญของเวลาและเปลี่ยนสิ่งที่ไร้สาระให้มีพลัง

You wasted everything for 63 births, and you now have this one birth in which to become powerful. So, do not waste time in this birth because each second of this confluence age is for earning an income of multimillions. This is the age of the season to earn. Therefore, never leave the powerful and go to the wasteful. To the extent that you become knowledge-full and become powerful, you will accordingly make others powerful. Those who know the importance of this time in this way automatically become great.

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Slogan Today 25 May 2023


The treasure store of someone with a big heart is constantly full.

คลังสมบัติของใครบางคนที่มีหัวใจที่ยิ่งใหญ่นั้น เต็มเปี่ยมอย่างสม่ำเสมอ

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Blessing Today 25 May 2023

May you be a gyani and yogi soul who receives the fruit of success by constantly performing accurate, elevated acts.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นญานีและเป็นดวงวิญญาณโยคี ผู้ที่ได้รับผลของความสำเร็จด้วยการกระทำที่สูงส่งและถูกต้องแม่นยำเสมอ

Every act of gyani and yogi souls is naturally yuktiyukt. Yuktiyukt means that their acts constantly accurate and elevated. No seed of any act is without fruit. Those who are yuktiyukt are able to have any thought, speak any word or perform any act whenever they want. Their thoughts will also be yuktityukt. They wouldn’t say: I didn’t want to do this, but it happened. I didn’t want to think this, but I thought about it. The sign of someone who is raazyukt (one who knows all secrets) and yogyukt is that he is yuktiyukt.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Slogan Today 24 May 2023

 A spiritual rose is someone who spreads the fragrance of spirituality into the atmosphere with his spiritual attitude.

ดอกกุหลาบทางดวงวิญญาณคือ ผู้ที่กระจายกลิ่นหอมของความผ่องแผ้วทางดวงวิญญาณเข้าสู่ในบรรยากาศ ด้วยทัศนคติทางดวงวิญญาณ

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Blessing Today 24 May 2023

May you claim the future throne of the kingdom by being seated on the seat of tapasya and service.

ขอให้ลูกประกาศสิทธิ์บัลลังก์แห่งอนาคตของอาณาจักร ด้วยการนั่งอยู่บนที่นั่งของทาปาเซียและทำงานรับใช้

The children who are close here on the seat of service will also be close to the throne of the kingdom in the future. The more you are co-operative in doing service here, the more you will be a constant companion in the kingdom. Here, you have a seat of tapasya and service and there, you will have the throne of the kingdom. Here, you are a companion in every action by having remembrance of BapDada. In the same way, there, you will be a companion from childhood to ruling the kingdom. Those who are constantly close, constantly companions, constantly co-operative and constantly seated on the seat of tapasya and service will be seated on the throne in the future.


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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Slogan Today 23 May 2023

The word “Baba” is the key to all treasures, so always look after it carefully.

คำว่า "บาบา" คือกุญแจทรัพย์สมบัติทั้งหมด ดังนั้นควรดูแลคำนี้อย่างระมัดระวังเสมอ

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Blessing Today 23 May 2023

 May you become complete and equal to the Father by becoming an embodiment of every virtue and power.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้ที่สมบูรณ์พร้อมและทัดเทียมกับพ่อ ด้วยการเป็นรูปธรรมของทุกคุณธรรมและพลังทั้งหมด

The children who are to become complete and equal to the Father are also constant embodiments of remembrance and all the virtues and powers. Being an embodiment of something means that your form becomes that. The virtues and powers are not separate from you but are merged in your form. Just as weak sanskars and weaknesses over a long period have become your form and you don’t have to make effort to imbibe them, in the same way, let every virtue and every power become your natural form. You shouldn’t have to make effort to have remembrance, but just remain absorbed in remembrance, and you will then be said to be equal to the Father. 

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Monday, May 22, 2023

Slogan Today 22 May 2023


To inculcate the virtue of sweetness in your life is greatness.

การปลูกฝังคุณธรรมของความอ่อนหวานในชีวิตของลูก คือ ความยิ่งใหญ่

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Blessing Today 22 May 2023

 May you be a fortunate soul who makes all interaction with everyone easy on the basis of your doing everything in the name of God.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่มีโชค ผู้ที่ทำให้การปฏิสัมพันธ์กับทุกคนเป็นเรื่องง่าย ด้วยการทำทุกสิ่งในนามของเจ้า

For half a cycle, you have been making a lot of effort in your interactions, in doing devotion and on the field of religion and you have now been liberated from making that effort. All your interactions have now become easy on the basis of your doing everything in the name of God. You do everything just in name as an instrument. Those who do everything as instruments experience everything to be constantly easy. It is not interaction, but just a game. They are not storms of Maya but according to the drama, they are gifts to move you forward. So, you have been liberated from making that effort, have you not? Maintain the awareness: I am an elevated soul who has saved myself from making such effort. 

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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Slogan Today 21 May 2023

 Let the past be the past and stay close (paas in Hindi is to be close) to BapDada and you will pass with honours.

ปล่อยให้อตีตเป็นเพียงอดีต และอยู่ใกล้ชิดกับบัพดาดา แล้วลูกจะสอบผ่านไปอย่างมีเกียรติ

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Blessing Today 21 May 2023

 May you be loving to God and attain all treasures with the diamond key of the word “Baba”

ขอให้ลูกมีความรักต่อพระเจ้า และได้รับทรัพย์สมบัติที่มีค่าทั้งหมด ด้วยกุญแจเพชร ของคำว่า "บาบา"

The children who are loving to God are given a very beautiful gift by BapDada of a diamond word. That word is “Baba”. Always keep this key with you and you will receive all treasures. The key chain for this key is to be a constant embodiment of the awareness of all relationships. Together with this, wear the bracelet of a promise and be decorated with the decoration of all virtues. Only then will you be revealed as angels and deities in front of the world.

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Slogan Today 20 May 2023

In order to become a conqueror of Maya, make the one Father your Companion and stay in His company.

เพื่อที่จะเป็นผู้ชนะเหนือมายา จงทำให้พ่อเป็นเพื่อนร่วมทางของลูก และอยู่ในความเป็นมิตรกับท่าน

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Blessing Today 20 May 2023

May you be an elevated soul who gives a glimpse of the new world with your newest and highest thoughts.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่สูงส่ง ผู้ที่ให้แวบหนึ่งของโลกใหม่ ด้วยความใหม่สุดและความคิดที่ใหม่สุด

Everyone speaks of the new day and the new night, but you elevated souls have to let your every second and every thought be the newest, highest and best of all. Then the sound of a glimpse of the new world being seen will spread everywhere and everyone will become occupied in making preparations for the new world. Just as at the beginning of this establishment, there was the divine activity of dreams and visions, in the same way, at the end, that same divine activity will be instrumental in bringing about revelation.


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Friday, May 19, 2023

Slogan Today 19 May 2023

 To experience greatness and spirituality while working hard is to have true nobility.

การมีประสบการณ์ความยิ่งใหญ่และความผ่องแผ้วทางดวงวิญญาณ ขณะที่ทำงานอย่างหนัก คือการมีความสูงศักดิ์ที่แท้จริง

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Blessing Today 19 May 2023

May you be a master bestower of fortune and give everyone a gift of good wishes and pure feelings from your full stock.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้ประทานโชคที่ยิ่งใหญ่ และให้ของขวัญของความปรารถนาดีด้วยใจที่บริสุทธิ์ักับทุกคน จากสต๊อกที่เต็มเปี่ยมของลูก

All of you are the children of Brahma who draw your lines of fortune. Therefore, let your stock of golden gifts be constantly full. Whenever you meet anyone, always give them a gift of good wishes and pure feelings. Give a speciality and take a speciality. Take virtues and give virtues. Continue to give everyone a Godly gift. No matter what feelings or intentions others come to you with, you must definitely give them this gift, for only then will you be called a master bestower of fortune.

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Slogan Today 18 May 2023

 In order to be saved from any conflict of nature, make your intellect, vision and words easy-natured.

   เพื่อที่จะได้รับการปกป้องจากความขัดแย้งใด ๆ จงทำให้สติปัญญา วิสัยทัศน์ และคำพูดนั้นเป็นเรื่องง่ายๆ


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Blessing Today 18 May 2023


May you be a special soul who does everything while seated on the seat of a swan and thereby become an embodiment of success.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณพิเศษ ผู้ที่ทำทุกสิ่งขณะที่นั่งอยู่บนที่นั่งของหงษ์ และกลายเป็นรูปธรรมของความสำเร็จ

The decision-making power of the children who carry out all their tasks while seated on the seat of a swan becomes elevated and this is why whatever task they carry out, success will be merged in it. Just as you carry out your tasks while seated on your chair (of position), in the same way, keep your intellect on the seat of a swan and souls will continue to receive love and power even through worldly tasks. Every task will easily be successful. So, seat yourself on the seat of a swan and consider yourself to be a special soul when you carry out any task and you will become an embodiment of success.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Slogan Today 17 May 2023

 Let there be the sparkle of purity in your eyes and the smile of purity on your lips. This is to be an elevated personality.

ขอให้ลูกมีประกายของความบริสุทธิ์ในดวงตาของลูก และมีรอยยิ้มของความบริสุทธิ์บนริมฝีปากของลูก นี่คือบุคลิกภาพที่สูงส่ง

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Blessing Today 17 May 2023

 May you be a master almighty authority and attain success with one strength and one support.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นนายผู้ทรงอำนาจ และได้รับความสำเร็จด้วยพลังของหนึ่งเดียวและการค้ำจุนเดียว

The children who have true love and move along with one strength and one support have always achieved success and will continue to do so because true love easily finishes all obstacles. When you have the company of the Almighty Authority Father and you have full faith in Him, trivial matters finish as though they are nothing. The impossible becomes possible. Everything becomes as easy as pulling hair out of butter. So, consider yourself to be a master almighty authority in this way and continue to be an embodiment of success.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Slogan Today 16 May 2023

Just as light is merged in the eyes, in the same way, let the remembrance of Shiva, the Bridegroom, be merged in your intellect. 

เช่นที่แสงหลอมรวมเข้าไปในดวงตา ในทำนองเดียวกัน ให้จดจำระลึกถึงชีพบาบา ผู้เป็นจ้าบ่าว หลอมรวมในสติปัญญาของลูก

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Blessing Today 16 May 2023

May you attain victory over everything with the intention of changing yourself and become an embodiment of success.

ขอให้ลูกได้รับชัยชนะเหนือทุกสิ่ง ด้วยการตั้งใจจะเปลี่ยนแปลงตัวเอง และเป็นรูปธรรมของความสำเร็จ

In the field of service, have the aim of working in harmony with everyone. When you have the intention of changing yourself, you can easily be victorious in everything. Those who look at others to change, or thinking that others should change are defeated. This is why it is said: “I have to change, I have to do this.” Put yourself first in every situation. Without arrogance, put yourself in front of everyone in doing something and you will have success after success. Those who know how to mould themselves become real gold.

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Monday, May 15, 2023

Slogan Today 15 May 2023

 When your face is shining with happiness, that cheerful face will work like a board.

เมื่อใบหน้าเปล่งประกายด้วยความสุข ใบหน้าที่ร่าเริงแจ่มใสจะปรากฏขึ้น

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Blessing Today 15 May 2023

 May you be constantly victorious and an embodiment of success by becoming a Mahavir and putting your every thought into a practical form.

ขอให้ลูกได้รับชัยชนะอย่างมั่นคง และเป็นรูปธรรมของความสำเร็จ ด้วยการเป็นมหาวีระและนำทุกความคิดไปสู่การปฏิบัติ

Be firm in whatever special thought you have and as soon as you have the thought, become the practical form of it and the flag of victory will then be hoisted. Do not think, “I will look into it, I will do it.” To say, “I will do it” and leave it to the future means to become weak. To have such weak thoughts means to be defeated by Maya. Constantly have these immortal and imperishable thoughts: I am a constantly victorious Mahavir. I will always move forward and will be constantly victorious. By having these thoughts you will become an embodiment of success.


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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Slogan Today 14 May 2023

Only with the deep inculcation of purity can you experience supersensuous joy.

ด้วยการบ่มเพาะความบริสุทธิ์อย่างลึกล้ำเท่านั้น ที่สามารถทำให้ลูกสัมผัสกับความสุขเหนือประสาทสัมผัส

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Blessing Today 14 May 2023

May you be knowledgeable of the deep philosophy of karma and keep your register flawless with the blessing of receiving a divine intellect.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้ที่รอบรู้เกี่ยวกับปรัชญาแห่งกรรม และรักษาทะเบียนประวัติของลูกให้ไร้มลทิน ด้วยพรของการได้รับสติปัญญาที่สูงส่ง

As soon as every Brahmin child takes birth, he receives the blessing of having a divine intellect. Only when there isn’t any type of influence of any problem, any company or of your own dictates on your divine intellect can your register remain flawless. However, if your intellect does not work at the right time, there can be a stain on your register. This is why it is said that the philosophy of karma is very deep. People of the world repent for their actions at every step, whereas you children, who are knowledgeable about karma never have to repent for your actions. You would say: “Wah! My elevated actions.”

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Slogan Today 13 May 2023

Become an authority of experience and you will not be deceived by any other royal form of Maya.

จงเป็นผู้มีอำนาจในประสบการณ์นั้น และลูกจะไม่ถูกหลอกโดยรูปของอำนาจของมายาทั้งหมด

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Blessing Today 13 May 2023

May you go beyond and come close to your destination by crossing all walls of limitations.

ขอให้ลูกอยู่เหนือทุกสิ่ง และเข้ามาใกล้จุดหมายปลายทาง ด้วยการข้ามพ้นกำแพงของความมีขีดจำกัดทั้งหมด

The way to cross any wall of limitation is to go beyond and just cross it. The stage of going beyond means the flying stage. Those in the flying stage never hang on to or get stuck in limitations. They always see their destination to be very close. They become flying birds and sit on the branch of karma on the kalpa tree. They act with their powerful unlimited form and then fly away. They would not get trapped in any bondage on the branch of karma. They would be constantly free.

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Slogan Today 12 May 2023


To have a balance of contentment and easiness is a sign of an elevated soul.

การมีสมดุลของความพึงพอใจและความเบาสบาย คือสิ่งชี้บอกของดวงวิญญาณที่สูงส่ง

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Blessing Today 12 May 2023

May you be loving and detached and experience a constant and stable stage in every situation by having the awareness of being a trustee.

ขอให้ลูกมีความรักและละวาง และมีประสบการณ์ของสภาวะมั่นคงสม่ำเสมอในทุกสถานการณ์ ด้วยสำนึกรู้ของการเป็นผู้ดูแลผลประโยชน์

When you live as a trustee, your stage is constant in every situation because a trustee means to be loving and detached. When you are a householder, there are all types of tastes, and there is a lot of the consciousness of “mine”: sometimes, my home, sometimes, my family. Householder consciousness means to wander around in the sweetness of many things. Trustee consciousness means to be stable. A trustee would be constantly light and always in the ascending stage. He would not have any attachment to the consciousness of “mine”, nor would he have waves of sorrow.

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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Slogan Today 11 May 2023

To celebrate a meeting with Baba and have the pleasure of all attainments is a speciality of the confluence age.

การเฉลิมฉลองการพบปะกับบาบา และการมีความสุขกับการได้มาซึ่งทุกสิ่ง คือคุณสมบัติพิเศษของยุคบรรจบพบกัน

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Blessing Today 11 May 2023


May you be an elevated soul out of multimillions and become moths and surrender yourself to the one Flame.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่สูงส่งจากหลายพันล้าน และ เป็นแมลงเม่าและอุทิศตนให้กับเปลวไฟเดียว

You are a handful out of multimillions in the whole world. You are also a few out of that handful. You have experienced and realised yourselves to be the same elevated souls from the previous cycle who surrendered yourselves to the Father, the Flame. Such souls are not those who simply circle around, but you are those who become moths and surrender themselves. To surrender oneself means to die. So, you are those moths who burn on the Flame, are you not? To burn means to belong to the Father. To burn means to be completely transformed.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Slogan Today 10 May 2023


To give the experience of the demeanour of truth in your face and behaviour is to have great nobility.

การให้ประสบการณ์ในทางปฏิบัติที่แท้จริง ผ่านใบหน้าและพฤติกรรมของลูก คือการเป็นผู้ที่สูงศักดิ์

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Blessing Today 10 May 2023


May you be a destroyer of obstacles and become wise with the knowledge of the three aspects of time and the three worlds.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้ทำลายอุปสรรคทั้งหมด และเป็นผู้ที่รอบรู้ของรูปเวลาทั้งสามและรูปของสามโลก

Those who are full of the knowledge of the three aspects of time and the three worlds are said to be wise, that is, they are called Ganesh. Ganesh means a destroyer of obstacles. Such souls should not be an obstacle in any situation. Even if someone does becomes an obstacle, you have to be a destroyer of obstacles and finish the obstacle. Souls who are destroyers of obstacles transform the atmosphere and the environment, and do not just speak about it.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Slogan Today 9 May 2023

 To experience and give others the experience of the royalty of purity is a sign of a royal soul.

การมีประสบการณ์ และมอบประสบการณ์ของความบริสุทธิ์อันสูงส่งให้กับผู้อื่น คือสิ่งชี้บอกของดวงวิญญาณที่สูงส่ง

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Blessing Today 9 May 2023

 May you be a spiritual server who is ever-ready to finish and harmonise your sanskars.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นผู้รับใช้ทางดวงวิญญาณ ผู้ที่พร้อมเสมอในการจบสิ้นและความกลมกลืนในสันสการ์ของลูก

Just as you are always ever-ready to do physical service and instantly go to wherever you are called, in the same way, whatever thoughts you wish your mind to imbibe, be ever-ready to do that. Whatever you think, do that at that time. Spiritual serving children are ever-ready to fulfil their responsibilities for spiritual relationships and connections. It doesn’t take them time to finish or harmonise their sanskars. As are the Father’s sanskars, let your sanskars be the same. To harmonise your sanskars is the greatest dance.

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Monday, May 8, 2023

Slogan Today 8 May 2023

In order to remain constantly cheerful, observe every scene of the world drama as a detached observer.

เพื่อที่จะอยู่อย่างร่าเริงแจ่มใสอยู่เสมอ เฝ้าดูทุกฉากของละครในฐานะผู้สังเกตุการณ์ที่ละวาง

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Blessing Today 8 May 2023

 May you be a master bestower who achieves success in every task you do with your stock of co-operation.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นนายผู้ประทาน ผู้ที่มีความสำเร็จในทุกงาน ด้วยความร่วมมือที่ลูกสะสมไว้

For the imperishable success of the service you do, be a master bestower and give everyone your co-operation. Co-operate with everyone in putting right with your good wishes any task that has gone wrong, any sanskars that have been spoilt, and anyone’s mood that has been spoilt. This is the biggest gift. “This one said this, that one did that” – while seeing, hearing and understanding all of this, transform it all with your stock of co-operation. If you feel that a power is lacking in someone, then fill that gap with your co-operation. This is what it means to be a master bestower.

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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Slogan Today 7 May 2023

Continue to fly at a fast speed in the vehicle of pure thoughts and a divine intellect.

จงโบยบินอย่างรวดเร็วอย่างต่อเนื่อง ด้วยยานพาหนะของความคิดที่บริสุทธิ์และสติปัญญาที่สูงส่ง

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Blessing Today 7 May 2023


May you be eternally loving and experience the flying stage with the lift of love.

ขอให้ลูกมีความรักคงอยู่ตลอดไป และสัมผัสกับสภาวะที่โบยบินด้วยลิฟท์แห่งความรัก

In order to be liberated from having to work hard, be loving to the Father. This eternal love becomes an imperishable lift and gives you the experience of the flying stage. However, if there is carelessness in your love, you cannot receive a current from the Father and this lift will not work. Just as when the light and connection stops, you cannot have happiness from the lift, in the same way, when there is little love, you experience having to work hard. Therefore, be eternally loving.

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