Monday, May 31, 2021

Day 151 Value of Self-Control

 Day 151

วันที่ 31 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 151 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"To be a master is to be free from one's own weaknesses."


We are often under the control of our own weaknesses, especially in difficult situations, which tend to bring out the worst in us.  When our weaknesses do get the better of us, we are more likely to give up than persevere in the face of opposition.


I need to develop the consciousness than I am a master: the weakness within me is my own creation, and so it is totally in my control.  When I develop this consciousness I will be able to overcome my weaknesses easily, instead of feeling bound by them.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Day 150 Value of Contentment


Day 150

วันที่ 30 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 150 ของปี

Value : Contentment

"True contentment brings as much contentment to others as to the self."


When we have to do something, we usually do it the way we prefer.  We often don't think about how others might feel.  Instead, we focus on our own happiness, ignoring how the act affects others.


I need to make sure my actions do not make anyone feel uncomfortable or upset.  I need to reflect on the things I do and how they affect others, then make changes to the way I habitually act.  When I consider others before myself, my actions bring contentment to myself and others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Day 149 Value of Balance


Day 149

วันที่ 29 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 149 ของปี

Value : Balance

"The balance between firmness and love brings change in others."


When we want to bring about change in others, we need to speak firmly.  But sometimes this firmness takes on the form of rudeness because we don't combine it with the right attitude.


When I want to help someone change, I need to be firm as well as loving.  Being balanced in this way makes my words and actions have a greater effect on the other person, and then I will be easily able to bring about the desired result.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, May 28, 2021

Day 148 Value of Positivity

 Day 148 

วันที่ 28 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 148 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"Those who have the power to transform negativity into positivity are constantly cheerful."


The usual reaction to negativity is to feel disheartened and to lose our inner contentment.  Once we become aware of someone's negative attitude toward us, it becomes difficult, even if we try, to forgive them and forget the harm done.


The more I am able to see people as uniquely talented individuals, the sooner I will be able to forgive them their weaknesses - this is a sure way to become constantly cheerful.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 147 Value of Hope


Day 147

วันที่ 27 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 147 ของปี

Value : Hope

"To have hope in the face of negativity brings about real change."


When we see someone behaving very negatively, we tend to write them off, thinking - and saying to others - that this person is hopeless and can never change.  This prevents that person from being able to change for the better.


Hope holds the key to transforming someone from a negative into a positive state.  When I meet someone who has fallen into the trap of negativity, I need to make special effort to offer them a supportive environment in which they can devlop their potential.  By showing them how much I believe in them, I help them bring about a positive change.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Day 146 Value of Self-Control


Day 146

วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 146 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"True victory is inner stability."


Whenever things are going well and success follows it's easy to feel on top of our affairs and in a stable state of mind.  But it only takes one challenge to topple this stable tower, which can be undercut by fear and anxiety.


I need to change the way I respond to negative situations - today I will remind myself that although decisions may be out of my hands, I have a choice about how I choose to respond to them.  Once I realize this, I regain control over the situation and my state of mind returns to stability.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Day 145 Value of Humility


Day 145

วันที่ 25 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 145 ของปี

Value : Humility

"The power of humility cools the fire of anger."


When we react to anger with anger, we inflame an already hostile situation and let ourselves down, too - because we have within us the power to pour water on the flames.


Today if my words or deeds are met with an angry word or gesture, I will not react in the same manner.  I will cultivate patience and feel humble rather than self-righteous.  This is the way to diffuse angry feelings and allow my more powerful self to emerge.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 144 Value of Determination


Day 144

วันที่ 24 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 144 ของปี

Value : Determination

"Determination breaks the barriers that difficulties create."


We cannot avoid barriers that block our way and seem to stop us progressing in life.  When we lack determination, we become stuck behind these barriers, and find ourselves losing interest in life and all its opportunities.


Whenever barriers appear, I need to remind myself that I can use them as a way to challenge myself to move forward.  When I remind myself of this, I get in touch with the determination I need to work to overcome those barriers.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Day 143 Value of Understanding


Day 143

วันที่ 23 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 143 ของปี

Value : Understanding

"To understand is to be open to learning."


When someone says something we don't like/need, we usually find fault with those people themselves.  This is a result of not understanding the true nature of the situation.


I need to understand that people have appeared in my life for a reason and that I can learn from everything that happens through my interactions with them.  Recognizing this fact will stop me from blaming others and lead me to the road to personal growth.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Day 142 Value of Patience


Day 142

วันที่ 22 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 142 ของปี

Value : Patience

"Where there is peace there is patience."


We are often impulsive or react hastily without giving ourselves time to think or understand a situation properly.  Because of this lack of patience, we lose out on many things, often without even realizing.


I need to make a conscious effort to keep my mind peaceful, particularly when I encounter difficulties.  Such a state of mind nurtures patience: peace generates power, which in turn brings patience.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Day 141 Value of Inner Strength


Day 141 

วันที่ 21 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 141 ของปี

Value : Inner Strength

"Difficulties and challenges bring out our hidden treasures."


When we are faced with challenges, we sometimes feel that we are not strong enough, or that we won't be good enough. Instead of looking at a challenging situation as an opportunity to develop and progress, we experience a lot of negativity.


When I have confidence in myself and learn how to use the treasures that are hidden within me, I will be able to remain strong in the most troublesome situations.  Then difficulties will be transformed - with my newfound inner strength they will appear instead as welcome opportunities to grow even stronger.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 140 Value of Freedom


Day 140

วันที่ 20 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 140 ของปี

Value : Freedom

"Freedom starts in the mind, not by cutting ropes."


We often feel as though we are tied down by situations or people.  This makes us feel uncomfortable, and we try to break free.  But we soon find it is not easy to do so - and understand that the chains we are trying to break are actually a product of our own minds.


I need to understand that the chains holding me back are within my mind.  I also need to realize that whatever happens to me is my own choice - nothing is forced one me.  When I take responsibility for myself in this way I will learn not to complain, but to make the best of every situation.  Only then can I become truly free.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Day 139 Value of Peace

Day 139

วันที่ 19 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 139 ของปี

Value : Peace

"The more I experience peace within myself, the more positivity I will have in my life."


Usually we try to address our weaknesses by working on each one separately.  We might be able to overcome some of them, but as they are all connected to our other weakness, we soon find the same problems re-emerging.  Negativity then overwhelms us, influencing all our thoughts, words and actions.


I first need to make a promise to myself to maintain my inner positivity.  I then need to practise keeping my mind calm.  This calmness will bring contentment, leading to increasing feelings of positivity.  The more I strengthen my inner positivity, the better able I will be to vanquish my weaknesses.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Day 138 Value of Introspection

 Day 138

วันที่ 18 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 138 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"Silence enables one to listen to the solution to difficult situations."


In challenging situations, we tend to think a lot to try to find the right solution.  But often the more we think, the further we move away from the solution as the mind travels round in circles.


Inner silence means creating a state of inner calm.  By listening to my inner self, I am able to break free from problems and discover solutions.  I will be confident of doing the right thing, and able to use the best of my talent, creativity and inner power to do whatever has to be done.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Day 137 Value of Balance


Day 137

วันที่ 17 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 137 ของปี

Value : Balance

"Success comes to the one who maintains balance, being equally master and child."


We rarely offer advice unless we are confident that we know what we are talking about.  But when we do make a suggestion, we expect people to act upon it.  If they decide not to, we often take it as a criticism, or the implication that they don't trust us.


I need to maintain a perfect balance between being a master and a child.  As a master, I am able to offer others advice.  But I need to maintain the consciousness of a child while listening to advice myself.  That means being ready to accept comments or criticism without feeling hurt.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Day 136 Value of Giving


Day 136

วันที่ 16 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 136 ของปี

Value : Giving

"Generosity brings success."


All of us have a many gifts - skill, talents, or knowledge - which we don't use as much as we could.  Just like our muscles, when we don't use them for a long time, they begin to waste away.  So when we need those gifts, we might find they are no longer there for  us to call on.


The more generously I use my gifts to benefit others, the more they will be available for me at the right time.  When I am generous with my gifts I will find myself moving easily forward with the blessings I receive in return.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Day 135 Value of Focus


Day 135

วันที่ 15 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 135 ของปี

Value : Focus

"The right awareness brings power."


We are often aware of what we need to do to make life better or more meaningful, but find ourselves unable to bring that understanding into practice.  Because it is difficult, we may give up after trying several times without success.


The practice of a powerful thought such as "victory is my birthright" or "I am the master of my life." helps me become aware of my own power.  If I focus on potent thoughts like this today and every day, my confidence will grow and I will develop the power to act in the way I desire.

credit : 365 Day of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 134 Value of Non-Violence


Day 134

วันที่ 14 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 134 ของปี

Value : Non-Violence

"True non-violence is not to hurt others even through words."


Most people could not imagine hurting anyone physically.  But sometimes we hurt others through our words.  This creates negativity in others which in turn affects us negatively.  Hurtful words affect everyone profoundly.


In orders to live a life that is truly non-violent, I must pay special attention to my words.  Words that don't hurt others are the result of positive thoughts based on good wishes and benevolent feelings for others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Day 133 Value of Determination

 Day 133

วันที่ 13 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 133 ของปี

Value : Determination

"Determined thoughts disperse the clouds of negative situations."


A lot of negative situations are bound to come our way, resulting in grief, pain and disappointment.  At the time, such difficulties feels insurmountable and seem to last forever.


I need to recognize that the difficulties I face are like passing clouds.  These clouds gather around me at times, but are only temporary - sooner or later they will fade away.  Understanding that no problem lasts forever will help me develop the determination I need to work on my problems.  I will then be able to face any situation with ease.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Day 132 Value of Knowledge


Day 132

วันที่ 12 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 132 ของปี

Value : Knowledge

"To bring knowledge into practice is to ensure success."


Often theory and practice are two separate things.  We have a great deal of knowledge, but do not apply it in a practical way.  We might talk about how we could do something, for instance, but never actually get around to doing it.  We waste time thinking about things rather than actually doing them.


I need to make the effort to start applying knowledge in a practical way.  The first step is to understand what I need to do.  Then I need to sustain my thoughts by turning them into action.  Then not only will my life will be enriched, all my thoughts will have power.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 131 Value of Tolerance


Day 131 

วันที่ 11 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 131 ของปี

Value : Tolerance

"The one who understands the power of truth is tolerant."


When someone disbelieves us, we usually argue back and try to prove our point.  Yet we find that the more we talk, the less people listen.  Unable to convince them, we end up frustrated.


When someone challenges the truth of my words, I should think about whether they might be right.  Rather than stubbornly clinging to my point of view, I should embrace this as an opportunity to learn.  Even if I am correct in my thinking, if I become able to understand someone else's point of view without getting angry or refusing to listen, I become tolerant.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 130 Value of Positivity

 Day 130

วันที่ 10 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 130 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"A single positive thought can make the mind powerful."


When a negative thought comes to mind regarding ourselves, another person or a situation, more negative thoughts follow - about things that went wrong in the past, for instance - and we find ourselves overwhelmed by negativity.


I need to take the challenge of thinking positively even in the most negative situation.  This will help me break the cycle of negativity.  The positive thoughts need not be connected to the present situation; I just need to conjure up any thought that will guide me toward a more life-affirming way of thinking.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Day 129 Value of Introspection


Day 129

วันที่ 9 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 129 ของปี

Value : Introspection

"To understand the true cause of one's own weakness is to gain the power to overcome it."


When we recognize a weakness within we often make an effort to overcome it.  But sometimes, despite our best efforts, the same weakness keeps returning.  This is because we have not got to the root of the problem and removed it.


Before I try to remove a weakness working within me, I need to understand the cause of that weakness.  To do this I need to reflect on why that weakness is present and what is lacking within me.  Once I find the cause I need to make an effort to fill myself with the corresponding virtue, which will drive the weakness out for good.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 128 Value of Giving

 Day 128

วันที่ 8 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 128 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To have commitment for self-progress is to be a giver."


Although we have much, we are always looking for more.  We have great expectations of people and situations and constantly think about what we can gain from them.  Such expectations makes us dependent on others for self-progress.  If we do this, we only experience progress when things are going right or when others are co-operative.


Instead of thinking about what I want to get, I need to pay more attention to what I have, so that I can do my best using these resources to acquire what I want.  Doing this allows me to enjoy constant progress, whether the situations I encounter are positive or not,

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, May 7, 2021

Day 127 Value of Flexibility

 Day 127

วันที่ 7 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 127 ของปี

Value : Flexibility

"To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings."


When we plan for the day ahead, we sometimes find that we are not able to do everything we had hoped.  Things come up unexpectedly.  When this happens, we are not able to be happy and find it difficult to do what we need, or to work at our best.


It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schedule.  Flexibility allows me to accommodate unforeseen situations and helps me make best use of my time, resources and opportunities.  When I am flexible I enjoy everything that life brings.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 126 Value of Determination


Day 126

วันที่ 6 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 126 ของปี

Value : Determination

"To work with determination ensures success."


When difficult situations come our way, we are not always confident of our success.  So although there is a chance to do something, we are not able to give our best.  Each new situation is perceived as a threat.  Once fear creeps in, the situation worsens, until all chances of success disappear.


When I am determined I am confident of success.  This confidence allows me to do everything necessary to succeed.  I never let go of anything halfway, but see to it that the task is completed.  With every obstacle my determination increases so that I progress at every step.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 125 Value of Love


Day 125

วันที่ 5 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 125 ของปี

Value : Love

"To have true love means creating an environment where others can grow."


In relationships, we often expect things from those we get close to.  These expectations can stifle the other person and also stop us from allowing the other person to develop in a way that is right for them.


I express true love when I create the right environment for those I love.  This is an environment in which they can grow.  And in order to do this I must stop expecting those I am closest to behave according to my agenda.  I need to support them in their personal growth, wherever that might take them.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Day 124 Value of Giving

 Day 124

วันที่ 4 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 124 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To understand the spirit of giving is to be constantly happy."


We often expect others to give to us, rather than the other way around.  When we constantly expect to receive help from others, we lose sight of our own resources.  And if others do not fulfill our expectations, we tend to feel low and dissatisfied with life, and we may blame others.


Instead of waiting for others to give to me, I need to think about what I can do for others.  Today I will think about being less dependent on other people and contemplate the talents that lie within me.  The more I am able to give to others, the more I will grow.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, May 3, 2021

Day 123 Value of Co-operation

 Day 123

วันที่ 3 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 123 ของปี

Value : Co-operation

"The best way to get co-operation is to give co-operation."


Usually when we want help, we look for it from those closed to us.  We expect them to understand what we need and then to give us what we need.  We constantly look for support and help - this doesn't allow us to fully explore our talents and use them for everyone's benefit.


The best way to co-operate is to use the energy of the mind to create good wishes and pure feelings toward others and for the success of a task.  When I co-operate with others in this way, I will receive their co-operation when I need it most.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 122 Value of Positivity


Day 122

วันที่ 2 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 122 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"To have positive thoughts is to be a well-wisher."


We usually want the best for everyone and ensure that everything goes well.  But we really don't know much about service.  Our idea of service is limited to the physical act of helping another person.  But thoughts are often more powerful, because our thoughts affect everything we do and say.


To be full of good thoughts is to be a true well-wisher.  When I am filled with the treasure of knowledge I am able to spread positive vibrations through my mind.  I have good wishes for everyone I meet, and all my words and actions bring benefit to others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Day 121 Value of Happiness

 Day 121

วันที่ 1 พฤษภาคม เป็นวันที่ 121 ของปี

Value : Happiness

"To find reasons to be happy is to increase happiness."


Sometimes we find ourselves caught up with feelings of negativity from which we are not able to free ourselves.  At such a time even situations with no great significance are seen in a negative light as the mind searches for reasons to be sad and sorrowful.  We seek sympathy and reassurance from others in an effort to make ourselves feel better.  But this only works for a short time.


When I am happy, I start seeing everything in a positive light.  It is as though I am wearing colored glasses: the whole world takes on a brighter hue.  I no longer see negativity in everything around me ; everything I see and experience only increases my happiness.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Day 120 Value of Flexibility

 Day 120

วันที่ 30 เมษายน เป็นวันที่ 120 ของปี

Value : Flexibility

"To be free from weakness means having the power to change."


We all have weaknesses that make it difficult for us to adapt to the needs of a situation.  Our weaknesses can make us inflexible and blind to new possibilities.  Then we find it difficult to work with our weaknesses, which breeds negativity.


To have the ability to adapt gives me the ability to handle any situation.  I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which transfroms when heated into something beautiful.  I embrace change, and this equips me to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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