Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I am a conqueror of matter

 I am a conqueror of matter

and make all the powers co-operate with me

and work under my orders.




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Day 273 Value of Determination


Day 273

วันที่ 30 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 273 ของปี

Value : Determination

"Determination can change opposition and make things happen in the proper way."


When we have faith and determination in a task we have taken up, hurdles become  opportunities.  This is because  we are constantly learning and moving forward.  When others become aware of my determination to succeed, they will co-operate to make the task successful.


Each day I need to reflect on all the tasks that did not turn out right.  I need to check whether the problem was due to a lack of determination.  If so, I know that the power to solve the problem is in my hands.  To achieve my goal, I need simply to keep my aim in mind while I am working on the task.  This will strengthen my determination and lead to success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I am a true benefactor of myself


I am a true benefactor of myself

by following shrimat and

stop following the dictates of myself

and the dictates of others.




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Day 272 Value of Generosity


Day 272 

วันที่ 29 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 272 ของปี

Value : Generosity

"The one who is generous gets everything and is yet free from desires."


When we are truly generous, we give what we can without any thought of getting anything in return.  Without expectations, we are better able to appreciate all the good things that life brings us.


When I find myself expecting something, I need to remind myself instead to think of what I can do for others.  I need to learn how to let go of my expectations and have that faith that I will receive what I need at the right time.  The more I am able to overcome my desires in this way, the more I find that what is right comes to me naturally.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Monday, September 28, 2020

I have pure and positive thoughts for others.


I have pure and positive thoughts for others

and by being merciful, merge the things of the past,

merge those things with good wishes.


และด้วยการใช้ความเมตตาหลอมรวมสิ่งต่างๆ ในอดีต


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Day 271 Value Flexibility

 Day 271 

วันที่ 28 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 271 ของปี

Value : Flexibility

"With humility and love, flexibility becomes natural."


In order to be flexible, we need to develop the virtue of humility.  With humility, we become willing to make the effort to understand those around us, and the reasons behind their behavior.  When we understand them, we will also be able to love them.  This naturally makes us more flexible, as well as more forgiving of others and ourselves.


When I come across someone who is not being co-operative, I need to become humble and try to understand what the other person is communicating, if not through words at least through actions.  When I am able to listen with love and understanding, I will not be rigid anymore, but will be able to adapt to communicate and co-operate with others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

I am a merciful world benefactor.


I am a merciful world benefactor

who gives courage and 

enthusiasm to every soul.




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Day 270 Value of Detachment


Day 270

วันที่ 27 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 270 ของปี

Value : Detachment

"Detachment adds quality to each and every action."


When we are detached, we are not bound by our actions.  When we do things, we are not dependent on their result.  This automatically increases the quality of the things we do.


In any situation in which I find myself doing a lot yet feeling I am not achieving anything, I should question how attached I am to task at hand.  The more attached I am to a task, the more effort I put in.  But often this actually means I achieve less.  When I am detached I am able to give my best in all that I do.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Saturday, September 26, 2020

I am a master creator


I am a master creator

who gains victory over adverse

situation by remaining stable

on the seat of my original stage.





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Day 269 Value of Flexibility


Day 269 

วันที่ 26 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 269 ของปี

Value : Flexibility

"Habits break easily when there is Flexibility."


It is easy to fall into habits or ways of doing something.  Sometimes these routines are helpful.  But at other times they stop us from seeing that there may be a better way of doing things.  To achieve constant success, we need to become flexible.


Habits can be hard to break.  It is easier for me to hold on to an old way of doing something than to make the effort to break it.  If I want to get rid of a particular habit, I have to remind myself constantly of the need to break it.  I need to become flexible - to tell myself that I needn't act in the same way I have always done ; instead I can think of a new way of being.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Friday, September 25, 2020

I am a double-light soul.


I am a double-light soul

who have the awareness of being 

an instrument and close the gates to Maya.




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Day 268 Value Forgiveness

 Day 268 

วันที่ 25 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 268 ของปี

Value : Forgiveness

"To seek forgiveness means never repeating mistakes."


To seek forgiveness from someone means that we have realized we've made a mistake.  It is to make a promise that we will never commit that mistake again.  Once we have understood where we have gone wrong, we try hard to ensure that we never repeat the mistake.


When I have to apologize to someone for some mistake that I have made, I need to pay special attention to make sure I never repeat that mistake.  I need to reflect on where I went wrong to help me understand where I went wrong and how I can learn from it.  I also need to forgive myself for making the mistake.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

I am a soul who is merged in love


I am a soul who is merged in love

and filled with love and attainment

and with arrows of love,

make others unconscious with love.





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Day 267 Value of Faith


Day 267 

วันที่ 24 กันยายน เป็นวันที่267 ของปี

Value : Faith

"The one who has faith is the one who is always happy."


When we have faith, happiness is visible in our every thought, word and action.  Whatever obstacles come our way, faith in the self brings the confidence to face them.  Faith also helps us see problems clearly.  Because we believe we can overcome the problem, we see it as it really is, rather than letting negative reactions distort the situation.  This helps us remain happy no matter what we have to deal with.


In any task I take up, I need to remind myself that I will succeed, regardless of the problems I have to face.  This constant reminder strengthens my faith to continue, and I proceed with happiness.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

I am a special server


I am a special server

who reveals the Father with a balance

of humility and authority.




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Day 266 Value of Determination


Day 266

 วันที่ 23 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 266 ของปี

Value : Determination

"True determination is a combination of single-mindedness and flexibility."


When we are sure of what we need to achieve, we are able to move toward it.  When we find an obstacle in our way, we are able to take it in our stride.  Like a river cuts its own path through the land, each of us is able to create our own route toward our destination.


Every morning I need to choose one thing I want to achieve.  Throughout the day I need to keep reminding myself of my aim.  This will help me make sure that I am moving in the right direction and that I don't stop even if there are obstacles in my way.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I constantly be an embodiment of power.


I constantly be an embodiment of power

and fill weak souls with power

with my good wishes and pure feelings.




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Day 265 Value of Being present

 Day 265

วันที่ 22 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 265 ของปี

Value : Being Present

"To make the most of the present is to use it well."


When things go wrong, we often wait for the difficult time to pass so that we can return to our normal schedule.  But this only makes us lose valuable time.


In order to use time well, I need to understand the importance of being in the moment.  The word "present" has more than one meaning.  We can think of it as "this moment", the immediate moment in time.  It can also mean a gift.  When we think of time as a gift that is given to us, it immediately takes on more significance.  It becomes something that we treasure and want to make the most of.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)
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Monday, September 21, 2020

I am an avyakt angel soul


I am an avyakt angel soul

who makes the atmosphere powerful

with my spiritual endeavour

of the angelic form.





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Day 264 Value of Detachment


Day 264

วันที่ 21 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 264 ของปี

Value : Detachment

"True detachment is to use everything but to remain beyond is influence."


Throughout the day we use a lot of resources in the outside world, which often helps make our lives easier.  We do not need to stop ourselves from using them.  But if we can use them without becoming dependent on them, we can say we are truly detached.  That means we can use everything available to us, but as a means of supporting our inner resources, rather than replacing them.


In order to be happy in all circumstances, I need to practise remaining detached.  If there is a time when I have no external support, I can remain happy.  Because I have the power of detachment, I don't become dependent on anything or anyone else.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

I become a world benefactor


I become a world benefactor

and serve with the powerful 

attitude of my mind.




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Day 263 Value of Courage


Day 263 

วันที่ 20 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 263 ของปี

Value : Courage

"The sigh of courage is never to be  defeated."


During difficult situations if our thought, words or actions become negative, we will be defeated.  When we draw on our courage, we make our thoughts, words or actions powerful, and will always be victorious.  Difficult situations will always arise, but as long as we have courage, we will achieve success.


I need to remind myself that courage will help me face any difficulties I encounter.  Today I will look back at all my past achievements and realize just how much I am capable of.  This will stengthen my faith in myself, and in my ability to find the best solution for the problem at hand.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

I am a soul who is constant yogi


I am a soul who is constant yogi

and stable in soul conscious form

and have an attitude of being beyond 

while living in the household.





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Day 262 Value of Appreciation


Day 262

วันที่ 19 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 262 ของปี

Value : Appreciation

"Only when we appreciate our fortune, will be able to use it effectively."


The more we appreciate the fortune we have attained , the more we will enjoy sharing i with others. When we share our riches with others, the more we find that they come back to us.


We are blessed with virtues and talents.  I need to think of all the ways in which I consider myself fortunate.  When I learn to appreciate them.  I will stop expecting something more. Then I will be able to make the best use of what I have and start to focus on using my fortune for the benefit of others as well as myself.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, September 18, 2020

I am a soul who is free from bondage

 I am a soul who is free from bondage

with the awareness of belonging 

to the one Father and none other

and become yogyukt.



และไม่มีใครอื่น และกลายเป็น โยคยุกต์

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Day 261 Value of Faith


Day 261

วันที่ 18 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 261 ของปี

Value : Faith

"Faith that things will turn out for the best, leads to enjoyment of whatever life brings."


Throughout the day we encounter numerous situations that seem difficult.  But if we have faith that everything happens for a reason, we will be able to enjoy each and every moment. When we believe that things will turn out for the best, we will be able to take something positive from every situation we encounter, and we will learn from our mistakes.


It is good practice to end each day by reflecting on what went wrong throughout the day and what I have learnt from the mistakes I made.  When I am sure that I have learnt something, I will understand that whatever has happened was for my own good.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

I am a soul who has a loving intellect with the Father


I am a soul who has a loving intellect with the Father

and put on the switch of awareness 

and experience the bodiless stage in a second.



และสัมผัสกับสภาวะที่ปราศจากร่างภายใน 1 วินาที

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Day 260 Value of Respect


Day 260

วันที่ 17 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 260 ของปี

Value : Respect

"To have respect is to appreciate another's commitment to change."


Usually we want people to change in a way that suits us.  So when we see someone behaving differently to what we expect, we tend to react negatively and try to prove them wrong.  Although we think we have their best interests at heart, this often isn't the case.


When I have respect for another person, I recognize and support their commitment to change.  I will be able to give them the guidance they need, without taking over or steering them in a particular direction.  I will help to inspire change instead of forcing things on others.  Gradually, I will find it easier to accept change in others.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I am a soul who is seated on God's heart-throne.


I am a soul who is seated on God's heart-throne

and always obedient and

receive the tilak of success from the Father.




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Day 259 Value of Giving


Day 259

วันที่ 16 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 259 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To help others discover their talents is the best help we can give."


Sometimes people are unaware of their talents, or afraid to use them.  But if we do not use the gifts we have been given, we can never be truly happy.  Throughout our lives, people help us grow.  As we grow older, we realize we can help others, too.


Making others aware of the things they do well and subtly encouraging them to use their talents is the best way to help them progress.  Because I am detached from their lives, it is easier for me to be objective and offer constructive advice.  I do not seek any reward for helping them, but instead experience the joy of watching their talents blossom.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

I am constantly awake light.


I am constantly awake light 

and renounce the sleep of carelessness

and become a conqueror of sleep

and a ruler of the globe.



และเป็นผู้ที่เอาชนะการนอน และเป็นผู้ปกครองโลก

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Day 258 Value Courage

 Day 258

วันที่ 15 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 258 ของปี

Value : Courage

"Success is achieved when courage is combined with understanding."


Courage helps us face our fears and take on new challenges.  But sometimes we think we are being courageous when we leap into the unknown without stopping to consider the consequences.  When we combine courage with knowledge and understanding we experience greater success.  Knowledge gives us the ability to discriminate, helping us to try something new without taking unwanted risks.


Before I start something new, I need to consider if what I am doing is right.  I also need to think carefully about the consequences of my actions.  When I am sure this is the right course of action, courage will help me achieve success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, September 14, 2020

I am a master comforter of hearts.

 I am a master comforter of hearts

and give comfort to each one's heart

as a bestower of blessing, like the Father.




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Day 257 Value of Determination


Day 257

วันที่ 14 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 257 ของปี

Value : Determination

"Determination overcomes weaknesses."


We all have weaknesses.  But a determined thought is all we need to overcome them.  When we become determined, the influence of others' carelessness will not affect us.  Once the seed of determination has been sown,  it will grow within us and begin to have a positive effect on those around us.


Determination will help me overcome my weaknesses, one step at a time.  A single determined thought will start my march toward victory.  Today, if I see others with the same weakness, I will not let it affect my determination to overcome that weakness in myself.  I will make sure I don't fall into the trap of making excuses, too.  Instead, I will remind myself of my goal and keep working until I achieve success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

I am a charitable soul


I am a charitable soul

who has self-respect by

renouncing any trace of bossiness.




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Day 256 Value of Clarity


Day 256

วันที่ 13 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 256 ของปี

Value : Clarity

"To see things as they are is to be free from the influence of weaknesses."


Sometimes we find ourselves reacting strongly when faced with small upsets.  We may try to change such negative feelings, but sometimes are not able to, either because of our personality as a whole or the personality trait we are working with at that time.


If I have to change my reactions to the situations that I am faced with, I need to change the way I see things. I need to understand the situation as it is and not let it be colored by my own personality traits.  When I see things as they are, I am able to act in situations instead of reacting.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

I am a constantly powerful soul


I am a constantly powerful soul

and know the value of my life

with the awareness of being an original jewel,

and become so valuable.





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Day 255 Value of Generosity

 Day 255

วันที่ 12 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 255 ของปี

Value : Generosity

"To consider oneself to be big is to have a generous heart."


When we consider ourselves to be big, we usually expect from others.  We want others to give respect and be obedient to whatever we say.  But we do not always find others listening to us or obeying us.  We are then disappointed and try to use more of our authority in a forceful way.


To be big means not expecting to take but instead being a giver.  If I am big I also need the understanding that I am in a better position than the others person and so I need to give.  This attitude will help me gain others' good wishes - which will help me progress and continue to achieve success.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Friday, September 11, 2020

I remain constantly free from all the bondages.


I remain constantly free from all the bondages

both of the bondage of responsibilities

and the bondage of Maya,

and I become yogyukt.



และบ่วงพันธะของมายา และกลายเป็นผู้ที่มีโยคยุกต์

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Day 254 Value of Self-Control


Day 254

วันที่ 11 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 254 ของปี

Value : Self-Control

"Words are effective only when matched with action."


It is far easier for us to see the mistakes of others, since we are detached from the situation.  We want to help, and frequently offer advice about how to handle a situation.  Once we've given our opinion, we expect others to follow our advice and bring about a change immediately.  But people don't change that easily - they lack something they need to make the change happen.


Before I give advice to others, I need to think about whether I actually put what I am saying into practice in my own life.  Only when I follow the advice I give others will my words be effective.  When I lead by example, I will inspire others to do the same.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

I am a true trustee.


I am a true trustee and conqueror of Maya

who renounces the consciousness of  "I"

while living at home with the family.


และเอาชนะมายา ด้วยการทิ้งสำนัก

ของคำว่า "ฉัน" ขณะที่อยู่ที่บ้านกับครอบครัว

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Day 253 Value of Happiness

 Day 253

วันที่ 10 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 253 ของปี

Value : Happiness

"To recognize the significance of challenging situations is to remain in constant happiness."


When difficult situations come our way, we are bound to lose our internal state of happiness.  When we do not have the resources to deal with the situations we encounter, we start to think of ourselves as weak.  Our mood, thoughts, words and actions become negative, and we blame this on the negativity of the situation.


I need to realize that I can hold on to my inner happiness, no matter what situation I find myself in.  Difficult situations arise to make me stronger and stable.  I need to make an effort to recognize and experience my internal strength, so that situations don't change my mood, even temporarily.  Then I will live in constant happiness.  Whatever the situation.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

I am a soul who is filled with jewels of experience

 I am a soul who is filled with jewels of experience

by going into the depths of knowledge 

and becoming a master ocean of knowledge.




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Day 252 Value of Positivity


Day 252

วันที่ 9 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 252 ของปี

Value : Positivity

"The power of positivity vanquishes the darkness of negativity."


Challenging situations tend to affect our state of mind for the worst.  We often find ourselves sowing seeds of fear, worry, tension and anxiety.  Those feelings grow, and soon we find ourselves feeling negative, even when we are not faced with immediate difficulties.


The only way we can vanquish darkness is with light.  The powerful rays of light drive out the last trace of darkness.  To get rid of the negative emotions and fear that lurks in the darkness, I need to seek out my inner light.  When I find the peace and power within me, I can make even negative situations positive.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I am a world benefactor


I am a world benefactor

who gives everyone rays of peace and power

on the basis of elevated feelings,

and free from all bondages and liberated.





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Day 251 Value of Flexibility


Day 251

วันที่ 8 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 251 ของปี

Value : Flexibility

"With humility and love, flexibility becomes natural."


In order to be flexible we need to have the virtue of humility.  With humility, we become willing to understand those around us and their behavior.  Understanding bring love.  When we learn to love someone, we automatically become flexible and willing to accept them as they are.


When I come across someone who is not being co-operative, I need to become humble and try to understand what the other person is communicating, if not through words, them through their actions.  When I am able to listen with love and understanding I will no longer be rigid but able to adapt and support them however I can.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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Monday, September 7, 2020

I am an introspective soul.

 I am an introspective soul

and put the expansion of thoughts and words

into their essence and show wandering soul

their correct destination with their power of silence.



ไปสู่สาระของแก่นแท้ทั้งหมด และ



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Day 250 Value of Self-Belief


Day 250 

วันที่ 7 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 250 ของปี

Value : Self-Belief

"To believe in oneself means to make best use of opportunities."


We tend to make a lot of excuses for not doing things.  We say, "if only..." or  "some other time".  Even if we have the ability to do something , we find some reason not to.  We don't make best use of our time or our talents, which stops us fulfilling our potential.


Whenever a situation demands something which I feel is beyond my capability, I need to tell myself that the circumstances have come my way as an opportunity for me to develop.  When I believe in myself, I learn to see every situation as an opportunity.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

I am humble-hearted soul


I am humble-hearted soul

and by renouncing the consciousness 

of the body, be free from anger

and have mercy on those who defame me.





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Day 249 Value of Giving

 Day 249

วันที่ 6 กันยายน เป็นวันที่ 249 ของปี

Value : Giving

"To experience the innate qualities is to be giver."


Whenever someone we care about deceives us, we feel disappointed, and tend to get disheartened.  When this happens, positive feelings can be lost.  We find ourselves rejecting the person who has hurt us, and move away from them - often physically and always mentally.


If my exchanges with others are based on falsehood - on what is not connected with the innate truth - then I will find it difficult to be a giver.  When I have faith in myself I learn to love myself.  This love puts me in touch with my innate qualities.  Thus my thoughts and feelings are pure.  Then I have powerful good wishes for others and these good feelings reach them.

credit : 365 Days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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