Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 203 Value of Responsibility

Day 203
วันที่ 22 กรกฎาคม เป็นวันที่ 203 ของปี
Value : Responsibility

"To be responsible at all times is to be constantly accurate."


Very often we find ourselves leaving things to chance or to others.  We tend to take care of the big stuff and become careless about the little items.  When we leave things for others to take care of they may not do them, then we become disappointed - even if we have not officially delegated the tasks to them.


When I recognize that I am fully responsible for the task at hand, and that I need to oversee both the big things and the little items, I will stop being careless.  I'll make a point of taking care of every aspect to the end.  This will bring accuracy to my tasks and will also enable me to delegate well.

credit : 365 days of Wisdom (Dadi Janki)

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