Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thought for today December 31

Belonging to God fills you with the innocence 
of a child and the wisdom of God.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 61 Value of Openness

Day 61

Value : Openness

"Openness to learning brings progress."


When someone corrects us or offers advice, we often meet them with resistance and become unwilling to listen.  If we put in a lot of effort, we may not be able to listen to others' suggestions.  This kind of attitude does not help us to learn and progress.


I need to keep my mind constantly open to learning in order to experience constant progress.  When I have this attitude I learn from everything that happens.  Then I will be able to improve in each and every task.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Thought for today December 30

Thoughts Can be your own
 best friend or worst enemy;
It's up to you.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 60 Value of Stability

Day 60 

Value : Stability

"To achieve success, we must first develop inner stability."


When a situation is good, our state of mind is good too.  But when something challenging happens, we experience fear or anxiety.  It is not so much that the situation goes wrong, it is more that our reaction goes wrong.


In order to experience success or to feel victorious, I need to change the way I respond to situations.  Even in the most negative situations today I need to remind myself that even if the situation itself is not in my hands - how I choose to respond to it surely is.  Then I will make the best choices.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Thought for today December 29

Force of Peace is
 greater than the atomic bomb, 
greater than any power the world can produce.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 59 Value of Being Present

Day 59

Value : Being Present

"To celebrate is to enjoy every moment."


Normally when we celebrate, we forget our worries for a time and enjoy those around us.  But once the celebration is over, we return to routine thoughts.  Regarding celebration as something temporary means we often don't get as much enjoyment from life as we could.


Real celebration means enjoying the beauty and joy of each and every moment.  By celebrating every moment, I will be constantly enthusiastic.  I will stop looking for special occasions to be happy but instead will make the best use of every moment.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Day 58 Value of Responsibility

Day 58

Value : Responsibility

"Accepting responsibility means accepting challenge."


In many situations life brings our way we have two choices - either we meet them bravely and take responsibility for our lives and the choices we make, or we try to escape.  The second option brings neither external success nor inner satisfaction.


Inner satisfaction lies in accepting challenges rather than trying to escape them.  I need to remain on the field in the game of life instead of just being a spectator.  The more I play, the more expertise I gain.  Keeping this thought in mind enables me to accept all the challenges life brings.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today December 28

There will always be the opportunity
 to learn for those who desire it.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Thought for today December 27

Concern for the quality of my actions to-day ensures the success of my tomorrow.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 57 Value of Love

Day 57

Value : Love

"To do a task with love is to be consistently successful."


When we start something new, we usually do well to start with, but success doesn't last.  This often happens when we do something because we have to. When we are made to act by external forces, we're unlikely to work hard at the task for long.


Love brings consistent success; once I've experienced the joy of the task itself, I'll never give up. If I am doing something I love, I will put all my energy into making it work and doing the best I can.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Day 56 Value of Positivity

Day 56

Value : Positivity

"The one who is moldable is real gold."


We are often easily influenced by the negativity in the world.  Every incident and interaction has an impact,and  we find ourselves absorbing a great deal of impurity from outside.  This is like mixing alloy with gold; when we are colored with negativity within, we are unable to be easily molded.  And when we are unable to change , we are unable to grow.


I need to keep myself free from the negativity of outside situations and other people.  The best way to do this is to develop my inner positivity  It is like building a strong defense system against negative thoughts When I am able to maintain inner purity and positivity,  I find myself moldable again.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)

 Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today December 26

When the mind is filled with virtues,
 they will be revealed in our actions.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Monday, December 25, 2017

Thought for today December 25

God's Blessing go only to those who are honest.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 55 Value of Stability

Day 55

Value : Stability

"Difficulties and setbacks bring forth hidden treasure within."


When we are faced with difficult situations, we ma feel that we either lack the resources we need, or that are not able to make best use of them.  Then, as well as experiencing much negativity, we are unable to make real progress.


When I master the art of remaining stable even in the most negative situations, I learn how to use the treasures hidden within me.  My mind is no longer disturbed by negative thoughts and I find it easy to face and learn from each situation as it arrives.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
 Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Thought for today December 24

The Intellect is the vessel that holds
 the knowledge of God.
It is different from Mind.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 54 Value of Respect

Day 54

Value : Respect

"To be blind to the weakness of others is to be rich."


We tend to be sensitive to the weaknesses of others.  We immediately see them, which affects our attitude toward others and colors our interactions.  We find it difficult to see anything but those weaknesses.


The solution lies in becoming aware of everyone's unique gifts.  The more I am able to do this, the more I will encourage another person to use what they have been given for the benefit of all.  I will gradually find that I can transform my relationships with others and experience richness and newness through every experience.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
 Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Thought for today December 23

Humility makes the heart honest,
big and clean;
It enables one to be co-operative.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 53 Value of Sweetness

Day 53

Value : Sweetness

"The nectar of sweetness spreads happiness and increases success."


When a big task to be accomplished -   especially under pressure - we tend to become task-oriented.  We only focus on the task at hand and don't give the same attention to our relationships at work.  This prevents us from increasing work-efficiency.


I need to pay special attention to maintaining my relationships as I get my work done.  Discovering my own specialties and what I can contribute when I work with other spreads sweetness.  This sweetness within spreads positive vibrations and creates a happy, productive environment, which in turn leads us all to greater success.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
 Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Thought for today December 22

When you are angry,
a great deal of energy is used up and wasted.
Use energy wisely.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 52 Value of Positivity

Day 52

Value : Positivity

To see positivity in the self is to move toward inner perfection."


Whenever we make a mistake - or are not able to keep pace with the challenges that come our way - we tend to see our negative aspects. The reminder of these negative aspects strengthens them and we find ourselves using them over and again.


Instead of focusing on my negative qualities, today I need to pay more attention to my positive qualities.  The more I use these positive qualities in a conscious way, the more these qualities will begin to be visible in my life.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
 Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thought for today December 21

There can be no real Happiness 
until the Soul finds its Peace.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 51 Value of Enthusiasm

Day 51

Value : Enthusiasm

"To be free from carelessness is to be constantly enthusiastic."


When we see others being careless in their work, we tend to become careless too. We think that since the others have allowed weaknesses to take hold, it is acceptable for us to do the same.  Such carelessness prevents us from being enthusiastic and making effort to improve.


Carelessness has a tendency to spread from one person to another.  When I see someone working carelessly, I need to remain strong within myself and pay close attention to my work.  This will help me to move ahead with enthusiasm.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Thought for today December 20

You are what you think.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 50 Value of Determination

Day 50

Value : Determination

"Success is achieved through accurate efforts."


We tend to associate success with what we get, rather than how much effort we put in.  So when things don't turn out the way we expect, we associate negative feelings with the lack of success.  Then we stop putting in further effort.


If I put in accurate efforts to succeed at a task, I try to do my best.  Because of this contribution, others will help, contributing whatever they can to bring the project to fruition.  Success follows.  When I do the right thing, I will experience constant self-progress, even if the result is not what I expected.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Thought for today December 19

Where there is Patience there is Peace.
Where there is Peace there is Love.

Day 49 Value of Hope

Day 49

Value : Hope

"To give someone hope is to help them overcome their weaknesses."


When we notice someone making mistakes, we tend to react to those mistakes and draw attention to them.  We go on talking about the issue until the other person realizes his or her mistake.  But the other person rarely benefits from such an approach.  Either they lack the courage to accept their mistakes, or they do not want to change.


When I recognize someone's mistake, I need to make sure I handle it in the way that will benefit him or her most.  By focusing on their positive qualities, I make sure they do not become disheartened, and instead feel inspired to make a change within themselves.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Thought for today December 18

Patience teaches you to pace yourself.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 48 Value of Tolerance

Day 48

value : Tolerance

"The power of truth gives us the ability to tolerate."


When someone disbelieves us, we tend to argue back and try to prove our point.  In spite of our great efforts, we are not usually able to convince them.  We should consider the simple fact that the more we talk, the less we are listened to.  This means we end up feeling more frustrated.


When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to think about whether there is something I can correct or learn.  When I start to do this, instead of being stubborn about what I have to say or blaming others, I will find it easier to be tolerant.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Thought for today December 17

It is not necessary to search for Peace.
It is within.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 47 Value of Peace

Day 47

Value : Peace

"To be an embodiment of peace is to bestow peace."


People in the world only want peace and happiness.  When we experience peace ourselves, we become able to give others this experience. Where there is peace, happiness naturally follows.


I need to spend a few moments alone each day. During this time I should practise stabilizing myself with one powerful thought and allow the experience of peace from within to flow out to others.  When I meet people, my inner peace helps keep my mind free from negative thoughts, and I will find that others are free from them too.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Thought for today December 16

Your pure vibrations
are subtle form of service.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 46 Value of Respect

Day 46

Value : Respect

"To give respect is to receive respect."


We normally expect respect from others and when others don't behave according to our expectations, tend to get disappointed.  We only think about what else others have to give but things always don't go according to expectations.


Instead of expecting others to change according to my wishes and instead of expecting others' respect, I need to notice whether I give respect back. The more I accept and respect people for what they are, the more my mind will be at peace (free from wasteful and negative thoughts.) People will then start reponding to my feelings and give me respect too.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Thought for today December 15

Tolerance wins the heart of others.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 45 Value of Introspection

Day 45

Value : Introspection

"Attention relieves one from tension."


We sometimes feel stressed by the responsibilities we take on.  We find it difficult to relieve ourselves of tension, especially When we feel the demand of situations or expectations beyond our capabilities.


Especially in demanding situations, but in general life, too, the way to relieve tension is to have constant attention. It is important to focus attention on myself during difficult times, but it is also important during normal conditions.  Attention makes me check and change myself, and this relieves tension.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thought for today December 14

A disciplined mind means 
a Peaceful and Happy one 
and never gets disturbed.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 44 Value of Happiness

Day 44

Value : Happiness

"To celebrate is to have constant happiness."


At special times, we tend to come under the influence of the festivity and enjoy the beauty of the time.  But as time passes, situations change and we become unable to maintain that same state of happiness - we lose our zeal and enthusiasm.  Then, we long for something to happen to change our mood.


I need to be the maser of the situation rather than its victim.  It is good to benefit from the beauty of the present, but not to be dependent on it.  Whatever happiness celebrations bring. I need to sustain my own inner happiness.  This is true celebration and brings me new happiness with each step.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Thought for today December 13

There is great beauty in Simplicity.
That which is simple is close to Truth.

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 43 Value of Love

Day 43

Value : Love

"The one who loves is the one who gives."


True love is free from expectations.  When we discover the love within we can endlessly give it away.  Whether another person gives back or not, true love enables us to continue giving unselfishly.


Let today be the day I discover the love within me and share it with others.  I will make sure I carry out at least one act that shows my love of the people in my life, and feel the love flowing from within me out to those around me. 

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Thought for today December 12

The price of freedom
is always 

Credit: Brahma Kumaries

Day 42 Value of Positivity

Day 42

Value : Positivity

"To recognize our own talents is to deserve life's best things."


We have many desires and expectations of life.  When we don't get what we want, it can lead to negative feelings such frustration, depression or a sense of inferiority.  Sometimes we get so caught up in these feelings that good things become hidden from our vision.


When I am aware of my own unique talents and how I use them, I become more able to recognize what I deserve rather than what I desire.  I no longer focus on what I lack, but instead on the gifts I have been given, and how I can I use my resources to attain what I desire.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year