Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Blessing Today 18 April 2023

 May you be a constantly powerful soul who finishes the word “weakness” with the awareness of the one word “Baba”.

ขอให้ลูกเป็นดวงวิญญาณที่มีพลังอยู่ตลอดเวลา เป็นผู้ที่จบสิ้นคำว่า "อ่อนแอ" ด้วยสำนึกรู้ถึงคำเดียวว่า "บาบา"

Whenever you speak of any weakness, whether of your thoughts, words, sanskars or nature, you say, “My thought is… my sanskars are like that.” However, whatever are the Father’s sanskars and thoughts, they are yours. The sign of you being powerful is in your being equal to the Father. So let the word “Baba” be naturally in your thoughts, words and in every situation. Then, while performing actions, have the awareness of Karavanhar (One who inspires) and Maya, that is, any weakness cannot come in front of Baba.

credit : babamurli.com

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