Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blessing Today 11 April 2023

 May you become full of powers and receive the drishti of love and mercy by having the awareness of “mine”.

ขอให้ลูกเต็มไปด้วยพลัง และรับดริชตีของความรักและความเมตตา ด้วยการตระหนักรู้ถึงคำว่า "ของฉัน"

Once the children recognise the Father and from their heart say, “My Baba", BapDada, the Ocean of Mercy, looks at such children with spiritual love as a multimillion fold return. This drishti of love and mercy constantly enables them to move forward. This awareness of spiritual belonging becomes a blessing for such children to fill themselves with power. BapDada doesn’t then need to give blessings with words but all the children continue to be sustained with His subtle loving thoughts.

credit : babamurli.com

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