Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Blessing Today 14 June 2023

 Instead of stepping away from anyone, may you become everyone’s support and a world benefactor.

แทนที่จะหลีกหนีจากใคร ๆ  ขอให้ลูกเป็นสิ่งค้ำจุนของทุกคน และเป็นผู้ให้คุณประโยชน์กับโลก

Throughout the whole cycle, you are the elevated souls who have relationships and connections with Father Brahma and the divine family. You are not those who step away, but are world benefactor souls and supports for the world. You cannot be removed from the thread of the imperishable love of the family and this is why you must not have any thought about making your stage good by stepping away from any situation, place, service or companion. If you instil that habit, you would not be able to settle anywhere. 

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