Monday, August 27, 2018

Blessing Today 270818

Blessing Today

May you be a constantly co-operative and contented soul and make the atmosphere powerful with your pure and positive thoughts.

Om shanti

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Blessing Today 260818

Blessing Today

May you be constantly co-operative and accumulate everything by using what still remains of your body, mind and wealth for the Godly task.

Om shanti

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Blessing Today 250818

Blessing Today

May you remain safe in all respects by remaining merged in the one Father's love and become Maya-proof.

Om shanti

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thought for today March 29

If knowledge is wealth, 
Ask yourself "How wealthy am I?"

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Thought for today 28

If you have to use a stern eye, then it is okay; but never use your hands to create violence.
It shows your weakness.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Thought for today March 27

Jealousy cannot exist if I know that my real quality is to Love.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today March 26

When you are angry, a great deal of energy is used up and wasted.
Use energy wisely.

Credit : Brahma kumaris

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Thought for today March 25

If through some error yesterday was lost in grief, don't lose today by keeping it in your memory.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Thought for today March 24

To have the use of the eyes is a very special gift. Why not give love, 
peace and happiness to others through your eyes?

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Friday, March 23, 2018

Thought for today March 23

Divine virtues bring man nearer to God, 
just as vices turn man away from God.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thought for today March 22

The 4 things that have spoiled your life are
"I" and "Mine",
"You" and "Yours". Forget them.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today March 21

Now is the time to act and solve all problems and not to succumb to lame excuses.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thought for today March 20

There should be a positive record of giving regard to all.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today March 19

Without the establishment of human,
moral and spiritual values,
there can never be true freedom.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Thought for today March 18

If every step is taken in the remembrance of God, 
just imagine how much fortune there is in every moment.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Thought for today March 17

In the world, many people remain starving hungry 
because of the greed of others. 
If we knew to share, 
then the problem would be solved.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today Mach 16

Just as pride is born of egoism, so is delusion, the result of attachment.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thought for today March 15

Don't be puzzled by problems, whatever they may be.
Always face them as if they are examinations you have to pass.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thought for today March 14

A loveful command does not arouse hostility.
It makes the person great.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Thought for today March 13

One Word spoken with love can soothe the sorrowful hearts of many.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Monday, March 12, 2018

Thought for today March 12

If I make others believe 
I am something that I am not, who is being fooled?

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today March 11

Contentment and Bliss go hand in hand.  
These qualities create great fascination for you among others.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thought for today March 10

It is more dangerous to weep inside your mind than to weep in the open.
The open tears can be easily wiped away, but secret tears create scars.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Friday, March 9, 2018

Thought for today March 9

Very Fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, 
but not to envy.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 8, 2018

thought for today March 8

Good books are like good company.  Obscene literature pollutes our minds and leads us to wrong paths.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thought for today March 7

Man knows the comma and full-stop of language.
He does not know the full-stop of negative thoughts.

Credit :Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thought for today March 6

If you are alone, you have no value.
But if you are loving, sweet and co-operative in company, then you are invaluable.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Monday, March 5, 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Thought for today March 4

Balance is the real foundation of a blissful life. Keep this always in mind and your present and future will always remain bright.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Thought for today March 3

Everybody is attracted by beauty and quality.  It is rare quality to help the ugly and unqualified.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Friday, March 2, 2018

Thought for today March 2

Morality and Virtue are more precious
 than gems; 
They give satisfaction to man;
 Endear him to his Creator and to the public.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thought for today March 1

If I am always comparing myself with other human beings, 
I'll either suffer from ego or jealousy.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Thought for today February 28

If does not cost a penny to speak loveful, 
true, sweet words.
Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Thought for today February 27

Your thought, speech and actions will bear a seed of full confidence, 
if you are sincere in all your tasks.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 26, 2018

Thought for today February 26

Those who remain very happy will never have internal laziness.  
Laziness is a great vice.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Thought for today February 25

We may recover from slip of the foot
 but a slip of the tongue
 leaves a deep imprint.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Thought for today February 24

Where there is Love, there is Peace.
Where there is Purity, there is Love.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thought for today February 23

It requires great power to make the best use of time that is in your hands.  
Therefore, be imaginative and resourceful.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Day 111 Value of Harmony

Day 111

Value : Harmony

"To understand others is to be in harmony with them."


We expect others to have similar attitudes and beliefs to ourselves.  If another person's behavior or words are very different to what we are used to, we may find it hard to understand them.  We may even develop a negative attitude toward them, and find we are not able to get along well.


I need to recognize that like musical notes, we are all different. Only when I am able to harmonize with other can I create a beautiful tune.  When I work with other people, I learn to understand them.  In the process, I will also learn more about myself and how to use my strengths to support others.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today February 22

You controlling power should be such that you should have only such thoughts at a particular time, as you desire to have. No more, no less.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thought for today February 21

Be just as enthusiastic about the success of others, as you are about your own success.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Thought for today February 20

The only solution to most difficult problems today in the society, country and world is character. If character is lost, 
no prestige remains.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Monday, February 19, 2018

Day 110 Value of Wisdom

Day 110

Value : Wisdom

"The one who is wise is free from careless or negative talk about others."


When someone tells us something negative about another person, we tend to listen with great interest.  This encourages the other person to continue talking about it.  But such talk is not really useful for anyone and provides no solutions for the problem at hand.


When someone is talking about another person's shortcomings, I need to question why I am listening; is this information of any use to me, or can I do anything about the situation?  If not, I need to remind myself that there is no use in listening to such talk. Instead, I need to make an attempt to look at the positive qualities of the person in question, and think about how I can help everyone focus on these instead.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

thought for today February 19

Waste work will make you heavy and tired; 
Positive work makes you Happy, 
Light and Refreshed.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Day 109 Value of Happiness

Day 109

Value : Happiness

"Understanding brings happiness."


Often we find ourselves caught up in situations which lead to negativity.  Once we are aware of our negative feelings, we are unable to see things logically, which only leads to more negativity.


To bring about positivity in my life, I need to try to understand why the situation has arisen.  Then I will be able to remain happy under all circumstances.  I will be free from the influence of others' negativity.  Instead I will become a major source of positive influence to those around me.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)

Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today February 18

Misunderstanding can be erased by loveful, pure thoughts and making one to understand at the appropriate time.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Day 108 Value of Listening

Day 108

Value : Listening

"To listen to others frees us from repeating mistakes."


When other people criticize us, we often ignore them or focus on defending ourselves.  We lose the power to listen, and are unable to accept the help that others are trying to give us.  We fail to correct our mistakes and find that the same problems recur frequently.


When people criticize things I say or do, I need to think about whether there is any truth in what they are saying.  Although it might hurt to accept some of the things they tell me, I know they only want the best for me.  Once I am aware of my weaknesses, I can change my behavior and constantly improve, moving toward success.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today February 17

Thinking of evil or being afraid of evil brings evil on one's head.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris

Friday, February 16, 2018

Day 107 Value of Sharing

Day 107

Value : Sharing

"To have the spirit of sharing is to be constantly happy."


We often get caught up with our needs and desires.  We become selfish, and focused on material possessions.  The more we have, the more we want.  We do not appreciate what we have, and become disappointed when our expectations are not fulfilled.  We forget the pleasure that comes from sharing with others.


I have so many resources that I can share with others.  The more I become conscious of joy of giving, the more able I am to share both my material possessions and my inner resources.  I will then discover new treasures within myself and be able to use them for the benefit of myself and others.  This brings me constant satisfaction, as well as good wishes from others.

Credit : 365 days of wisdom (Dadi Janki)
Daily messages to inspire you through the year.

Thought for today February 16

It is good for a person to earn money for his needs. 
It is the hunger for wealth that is bad.

Credit : Brahma Kumaris